One week at Aarohi is a lot to do and lot to experience. Someone visiting Aarohi said, “my days have doubled here, I realized I have much more time than I think”. We learn from each guest as they bring a different learning experience and inspire with their story and passion. The idea is simple. We believe that education is all about interacting and learning from others – how you are making a difference. We at Aarohi are always excited when people are willing to share their SKILLS with at the community. We believe that inspiration from diverse resource people is the most valuable educational treasure chest we can give to each child.
Experience of Kowhsik, a parent, visiting Aarohi for a week. “A week in Aarohi in a nutshell- You have daily rhythm, you are free to do what you want, you are responsible for the outcomes of what you are doing, your body is well nourished with good food, your brain is tickled at every step reasoning out why you are doing whatever you are doing, your soul is nourished being in a rustic ecosystem and a mindful crowd- be it the akkas, annas, kids or the facilitators. Everyone simply is in raw action. the spelling of Aarohi is D-O-I-N-G”.Read the complete story https://namaskaarasaar.blogspot.in/2018/03/a-week-in-aarohi.html