multiple children of different ages presented 10 minutes session on an area of their interest.
One talked about bacteria inplantsand microscope. He took few hours for this 10 minutes session – reading, researching and compiling the information.
One taught a magic trick. He knew the tricks. He spent time in preparing material for each participant and thinking what everybody will gain from his session.
One shared about Golden Temple, Punjab. He also took few hours for this 10 minutes session – reading, researching, making a presentation and compiling the information. During the presentation, he spoke his own experience of staying at the temple not what he prepared.
Another one presented on his interest of baking. He took few hours to researching and understanding the process of baking and history. He still struggled to explain the difference betweentheprocess of baking and cooking.
Another Jaatre was on expressing through drawings and chanting Bhagwad Geeta. To prepare to chant it didn’t take much time but to understand how to prepare a session for others took two hours.