Vishruthi, a mother of 2-1/2 yr old boy, a passionate RJ by profession visited Aarohi during summer- sharing her experience.
Honestly, Aarohi experience is unique in its own way. Something we (city people) don’t even think or consider, you guys are practicing that in your lifestyle. It lot many ways I have started rethinking the way I have been living my life since last 29 years. Can’t find a word to describe what feeling right now. But I feel the journey of self-discovery, which started with Jagriti, has jumped suddenly one level up.
My experience and realizations
1. I realized how dependent I have made my child, believing every day that he is too small and he will need help.Initially, I found Aarohi rough, tough and rude to many extant but maybe that’s how the world is. In this way, Aarohi almost reflected a world to me. We stay in a joint family, so maybe I can’t expect all the philosophies to be implemented but I have started with my part at least. Vedarth isn’t so convinced with my ‘help’ being omitted from his routine, but with the help of some explanations and understandings.. It’s working!
After my visit I realized that he doesn’t need me at all, it was me who was going behind him to satisfy my motherly urge (I felt too selfish here and it was so subconscious that I didn’t even realize). Now I have come to terms with the fact that he may not do things the way I want him to do or the way we generally do, but he is capable of finding his own way.
The day I left Aarohi, I felt like I’m leaving something my very own behind. May be that was my conscious that suddenly became aware of the entire sustainable environment you guys have created, and I almost felt like doing a crime by generating more wastage of energy and resources. I thank your entire team for enlightening me on this. I have started doing whatever little I can do. 🙂
3. After coming to Aarohi, at first I even felt ignored and unwanted but then I realized that you don’t have your space booked for you in this world, you always have to create/ make/ manage/take it.
4. The scale of detachment you guys are having is something which amazed me. I felt like that dialogue of Hindi film veer-zara “yes kis duniya ke log hai? ” I really want to discover this more in my next visit!
5. The beauty of Aarohi is – it completes the circle.
For the first tim,e I saw a circle being complete.
From generating, using and saving energy.
From getting water to sending it back to nature.
From eating food to growing it back.
Everything I saw was so fulfilling and enriching.
I’m totally thrilled to explore this ‘life’ that I have experienced. It’s challenging for me and that’s why I loved it. My next visit will be lined up soon… Where I wanna sing song and dance and talk much more with everyone around!
Thanks so much, Vshruthi for the lovely long email – very few people care to write back in such detail and with so much frankness and expression.
Vishruthi, A Radio Jockey from Gujarat shared about how a radio work. For many of us, radio means music but behind every song, so many other things go behind. Apart from sales, marketing, and finance, the RJ’ing Department has many aspects – Music manager, promo producer, programming heads, and RJ. For her RJ’ing is about the theatre of mind to create imaginative stories. RJ’s work is not about spontaneity, but a script which is prepared behind the scene. Regional language becomes important to connect with the listeners. She was an architecture student but inclined to literature and music. By accident got an opportunity to become RJ. Her love to talk, music interest and music inclination sustained in the radio industry. Radio was love than passion and now an obsession. It’s not easy to just go and present a show for an hour, it is draining and demanding. 16 hrs preparation for four hours of a show! Very very hard working industry.
A short film to get some glimpse of how a radio works to hear voices:).