Tag: OpenLearning

  • How can children deal with boredom – Question from a parent

    How can children deal with boredom – Question from a parent

    A parent raised the following concern in our WhatsApp Open Learning Community “ I’ve been feeling a bit bored lately and sometimes I just don’t feel like learning or doing anything. Has anyone else felt this way? How do you stay motivated and make learning fun, especially in Open Learning? Any tips or advice on…

  • How to create a Curriculum for homeschooling / open learning

    How to create a Curriculum for homeschooling / open learning

    In one of the communication groups of Parents from the Aarohi community, a parent asked “What is the best curriculum for homeschooling children”? In her words “My child is saying better put me in building school as I don’t know what to do at home and get bored. What is your suggestion here” The curriculum…

  • A child sharing observations and reflections from his trip to the Passport office

    A child sharing observations and reflections from his trip to the Passport office

    10-year-old Rohit is an open learner. His passport was to be renewed. He was very nervous on the day of the appointment because he thought he would miss his cricket coaching. Finally, he and his father started for the passport office. He called his mom after an hour to convey that they were on their…

  • How does my child manage my learning inability?

    How does my child manage my learning inability?

    Our Open Learning journey is full of fun, surprises, and challenges. My biggest challenge as a parent is dealing with my internal conflict. It is like walking on a forked path always. One path leads to the safe environment of the “known” and family/friends. Another path is traversing a beautiful “unknown”. My mood for the…

  • Environment – Shapes a Child’s learning

    Environment – Shapes a Child’s learning

    Our interaction with our environment shapes us as a person and our learning abilities. We have the power to build an environment which facilitates growth and nurturing. Read further to know about what creates such stimulating environment.

  • Divided by Subjects, United by Knowledge

    Divided by Subjects, United by Knowledge

    Can we break our knowledge into subjects? What happens when we imbibe the knowledge without these boundaries? Let’s explore

  • What did you say – Planning is Boring?

    What did you say – Planning is Boring?

    Planning dread? We all go through various phases of planning. Open learning is easier if a broad plan is in place based on learning focus. Planning can be fun and need not be a chore.

  • Milestones in Open Learning

    Milestones in Open Learning

    Are you a traveler or a tourist? A tourist goes by checking the milestones while a traveler creates his milestones. Open Learning is all about being the traveler of your learning journey.

  • Algorithm for child’s exploration in an Open Learning Environment

    Algorithm for child’s exploration in an Open Learning Environment

    Open Learning is all about multiple explorations. Learning stems from the joyful explorations not from a parent’s agenda to make child learn. Explore how parents can expand the horizon of exploration.

  • The Art of Listening Vs Hearing – Experiential Learning

    The Art of Listening Vs Hearing – Experiential Learning

    We often do not notice the profound difference between Listening & Hearing in our world filled with constant noise and distractions. Here is a snippet of Experiential Learning through Reflection For one of our Reflection Activities during Thought Club at our campus of open learning, we all shared our thoughts/ experiences/ awareness about Hearing Vs…

  • Conquering Fears : “A Journey Through Rock Climbing”

    Conquering Fears : “A Journey Through Rock Climbing”

    We embarked on a thrilling journey through the rugged & raw landscapes as we explored outdoor rock climbing. We also explored the sheer joy of scaling heights, the natural beauty of nature, and the rawness that only outdoor can offer. ~ We planned in detail about having a safe & enjoyable experience for all.~ We…

  • Children can be great mentors, this is what Learning Mela taught us

    Children can be great mentors, this is what Learning Mela taught us

    What happens when children mentor adults? Here’s the story….. It all started with a Santa seeding the idea of Learning Mela, 18+ year olds (adults) of the community would conduct the workshops and 18- year olds (young ones) would be the mentors to adults. All parents, teens and tweens of the community got together for…

  • Children too can walk through walls

    Children too can walk through walls

    Today at Aarohi Campus, a 9 year old girl who was sitting outside our kitchen wall, asked me for water.I promptly told her that if she wants water she can walk east and she will soon reach Bay of Bengal and get lots of free water.She looked at the direction (east) where my finger was…

  • Let’s Bake

    Let’s Bake

    Food is one thing that brings people together and my learning is any bake be it cakes/ cookies/ breads/ any savouries not only touches the senses but soul too 😊 Baking is more than just another activity of putting ingredients together and waiting for outcome. I learn a lot with each baking and see how…

  • Can a campus teach?

    Can a campus teach?

    In the spirit of  Open campus the campus development in itself has been (and continues to be) a huge learning opportunity for us. Children, parents, local people, various experts from different fields (architecture, design, construction, rain water harvesting etc) all are involved in collectively creating a campus that itself teaches. Making of the campus began with a thought,…

  • All Hands Matter

    All Hands Matter

    Regardless of age or knowledge or position or role everyone has the capacity to do anything and everything they want to do and make a huge difference to themselves and whole community. Everyday at Campus ,we see various hands working together to make a thing happen in any activity be it the carpentry, gardening, experiments,…

  • Story of  Generosity – Making of campus

    Story of Generosity – Making of campus

    Making of Aarohi campus is not complete without talking about Deb Uncle and many other well wishers who contributed to make this campus happen.The campus is created with crowd funding – started with land and the story of generosity Aarohi started in June 2009 in Geniekids Indiranagar center, Bangalore. One year after starting, we realized…

  • Fear and Children

    Fear and Children

    Fears often multiply more with collective anxiety that a group of people experience together with lots of questions/ fears triggered by various factors such as uncertainties, health upsets, external situations or challenges. Recently we had this amazing period of 10-12 days at Aarohi Campus where out of 6 people four were partially/ fully sick and two…

  • Meetup on open learning with Jinan K B

    Meetup on open learning with Jinan K B

    The discussion was a reinforcement on

  • CAT – Life’s curriculum

    CAT – Life’s curriculum

    When it comes to educating our children, “curriculum” is normally the first question that comes to people’s mind. We try to figure out between NIOS or CBSE or ICSE or IGCSE or … let the child learn from life. Often LIFE CURRICULUM is not so clear and many fall back to conventional academic curriculum. Here…

  • UnParenting lessons from SURFing

    We recently went to a place near Mangalore to learn surfing on waves – children and us few adults. Here are some interesting Unparenting reflections.

  • How do Children learn?

    Everything that the child encounters and experiences are something to learn about and learn from. Every experience, every interaction, every event can lead to multitudes of learning in every area of a child’s development. We neither force nor intend learning.

  • An Ode to Home – for homeschoolers, unschoolers and open learners

    A Home is filled with endless opportunities to explore , experiment and grow. Living is messy and so is learning. Here is an Ode to the best institution of life.

  • Open Learning Guide & FAQs

    Click / Tap on any question to see our response. If your question is not listed do whatsapp to us and we will respond to you as well as add it here. Also do join us in our online saturday meetups for more detailed discussions. Open Learning, UnSchooling and HomeSchooling –  FAQ – What And…

  • Learning is living

    Where the learning is without boundaries, the living happens without fear. When living is free of pre conceived notions, learning is abundant. We say learning and living are not separated from each other.

  • What matters

    What matters the most for an child? Is it Home or Educational Institutes or Society? None. What matters is “The Child”. Let the child become the institution of his life, let him lead and let him learn.

  • Homeschooling journey – by Sharmila

    Being part of a journey is more important than destination. If journey is joyous and satisfactory with all its ups and down , the destination may not be very different from it.

  • Lock-down could mean Freedom

    Lockdown could be a freedom if we invite children to the party called Life. Celebrate and Co-create the life . After Covid-19 can we declare “Co-live 20”

  • Uncage Child’s Potential

    Can we change the potential of a child? Or we can facilitate the children to find their own peaks. Can we see a limitless child who can manifest his / her potential?

  • Untie the Education from the school

    Why to enclose the education in a classroom when the whole world can educate me. Why not embrace a new WWW (Wide Wonderful World)