Last week was full of assessment and evaluation. Monday we started with stimulation. Activities were weaved around evaluation thinking skills. After stimulation we concluded stimulation with writing a letter to our friend. Children started planning and goal setting. Throughout the week we explored different words like: assess, judge, evaluate, defend, decision, gathering, recommendation, criteria, important, estimate, justify, rate, select, compare, reflect, argue etc.
During the week cubs explored making of story with pictures, making rolls/shapes with dough, complete the incomplete pictures, teaching alphabets to each other etc. We played with words assess, defend and decision in daily diet.
As a part of welcome we observed, read and compared different advertisements of cars, watches, snacks from newspaper and magazines.We introduced Aarohi forum for online discussion and visual ranking tool in bioscope.We explored number line in Flocci. We played a game based on number line, read a chapter of time line from book, solved some math problems based on number line and concluded flocci with children sharing their take away of the flocci. We added number line as resource on Umbra wall using paint and beads. Children started using the same and expressed appreciation about the same. Friday outdoor was on advertisement. We visited free thinkers and attended workshop about how to make advertisements and how it works.
In safety club we explored self-defence to be used when sexually harassed in public place. We also understood about scorpions and insects at the campus, worked on toilet hygiene and use of toilet and displayed posters of fire safety at the campus.In Math club one group played playing card game. The game was based on operations of integers like addition/subtraction/division/multiplication of positive as well as negative numbers. The other group played dice game to explore numbers. It was real fun how children were bringing variety in the same game.In resource club we categorised different cassettes available at campus and found the appropriate arrangement for the same. We took stock of books in library. We also finished arranging science lab which made us ready to work on labelling of the resources from next week.
The whole week was full of actions, thinking, reflecting, accessing and funJ.