Category: Blogs

  • Sunshine Masti

    Every week one of us bring exposure of music in sunshine, this time one child brought, He prepared all by self – we danced, we jumped with music, we sang.

  • Floccinaucinihilipilification Introduction

    Floccinaucinihilipilification, is to provide exposure to a specific concept, idea, technique, application, etc. The topic is introduced in the form of an activity, reading material, worksheet, text book, video or via an expert. This provides exposure to content beyond what the child is already working on. This week we did exposure on what is Floccinaucinihilipilification.…

  • Our Resources

    We learn from many resources, we learn in many different waysWe learn when we doWe learn when we observeWe learn even when we are doing nothing Here are some learning journey of a week I achieved coming on time this week. I achieved skating on rock slide. I learnt about Warli Painting by reading book.…

  • Kalidoscope @ Aarohi

    Began the learning journey with living together in the community, Some were old, some joined new. Learning while living came to us in many different forms. Starting with personal hygiene to enjoying music in many different forms. From sharing views in thought club to reflecting at the end of the day to understand own interest…

  • Manthan with parents

    Year began with Manthan with parents. What are the roles and responsibilities of parents, children and facilitator at Aarohi – we all together wondered. It started with each team getting one object which one can relate to any role – some got seeds to represent child, water to represent facilitation and soil to represent parents.…

  • Animals in Cage

    One of the Aarohi child shared this and want to create awareness “do not take selfies with animals, they really get scared”. This is the website i use for seeing fact on animals i want you to read some.The link is below.I hope you enjoy reading the facts.

  • Film Making workshop

    The experience of film workshop was wonderful. Rowena’ enthusiasm was contagious, so Lancy’s dedication. Kids peace and fun was amazing learning opportunity. It began with Lancy who apart from being a graphic designer is a film maker and was keen on sharing skills of film-making with kids (She alsoloves organic gardening). Rowena, a home schooler…

  • Maths Mentor

    Bhargav who is also a homeschooler, can facilitate Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry for various curricula such as: IGCSE/ A-levels, IB-MYP/ IB-Diploma, Common Core State Standards (USA), Advanced Placements-AP etc. He can also train students on various scholastic tests such as: ACT, PSAT, SAT-Reasoning, SAT-Subjects, International Olympiads etc. He is also passionate about facilitating young minds…

  • Barrel Oven

    The Barrel oven wishes to extend “very warm” gratitude for the wonderful rocket stove made by Bhargav and Vinochala made below it for it to get heated efficiently and effortlessly. The Oven could bake a cake with very little wood. see pics attached. The Bath-water rocket stove burns with equal efficiency and ease (though not…

  • Nurturing the Leader

    Book review -“Nurturing the leader within your child ” by Dr Tim Elmore. The book is beyond leadership. While the author talks about nurturing certain qualities in your child to be leader, it also talks about environment at home and role parents can play. Author shares real life stories as examples and quotes of different…

  • Movie – Caesar Must Die

    Caeser Must Die – an Italian Movie is about a production and performance of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar performed by inmates from the high-security wing at a prison. Men serving long sentences for murder, drug dealing etc dabble into theater. It is strong drama with very tight performance. Sometimes you get confused which is true and…

  • Movie – Ankhon Dekhi

    Hindi –Ankhon Dekhi– A common middle class man decides to explore new perspectives directedby Rajat Kapoor. The movie is slice of daily life and revolves around ‘bauji’. One event in his life changes his way of looking things and he decides to go deeper in his newly found philosophy of life ‘tobelieve only in what…

  • Child Rearing by Daniel Greenberg,

    Throughout the book the author talks about one common thread “letting them do their own way”. I liked when the author talks about beliefs and even common sense’ is defined by conditioning – hence it is no more common sense. It also deals with a prevalent parenting issue of food and feeding and realized that…

  • Musical Chair

    This summer play musical chair with your kids. Play with a twist ‘no one is out’, instead many people can sit on one chair … at the end when you have many people but one chair – experience the fun and may be a demand ‘lets play again’. I have played this many times and…

  • Railway station Clean up

    It began with one of the parent sharing her wish to do something for community. We planned to clean up Kelmanagalm railway station. After talk with the station master we understood various issues including missing dustbins. So we had the challenge to install a dustbin which has no resale value at the same time collects…

  • Mission Accomplsihed

    It began from nowhere. One of us started making a see saw and it became a project for some kids to get submerged in. They discussed endlessly, they worked hard, they took help, they planned, they imagined and they did it!!! They used concept of fulcrum to balance the beam, took help of Seenappa Anna…

  • Exploration at Aarohi Summer 2015

    They liked the feel of mud, the concept of building by self and playing with mud while building it. They worked in team, they worked with Seenppa uncle…they wanted to make more. Once again we tried opening our jammed car was an opportunity to understand how doors in the car worked…many things which we…

  • Summer Participants Speak

    She came from Bhuveneshwar this summer to experience open learning at Aarohi. She likes to read John Holt and believe in learning capability of child. She wants to have meaningful learning for her children. She stayed with her kids (2 and 7yrs old) for 10 days, she is avid trekkers and climbed every rock with…

  • Aarohi Summer camps 2015 – Faculty Speaks

  • Aarohi Summer camps 2015 – Children Speaks

  • Exploration Rock Climbing

  • Explore Music

    This summer explore music at home with family – play different music and explore movements. SriVidya, who is art therapist joined us in sunshine. Amit who came with his daughter to experience Aarohi shared his love of ‘gratitude’ through music in sunshine. We danced closed eyes, we imagined to paint with different body parts with…

  • Water Music

    After rain, the rain water pond was full of water – we explored music in it :). Used plates, back of mopping stick, glass and our imagination. making water music

  • Aarohi Summer camps 2015 – Exploration

    We began the week few more people joining to experience Aarohi. Each week is different in some ways, and same in some ways. Ponding, trekking, telescope, playing with dogs and rock climbing were popular this week too. Also explored masonry work…music was different this week with few more adults taking part in designing sunshine…we braided…

  • Fun in brushing

    Brushing was never so fun.

  • Reflecting

    Reflecting at the end of the day was part of experiencing Aarohi. It began with simple reflection – reflect on the day with few words like ‘like, boring, crazy, new….’ Every day we added more complexity – like comparing our day with a tree and finding what was like fruit or leaf in our day.…

  • Rocket Oven

    It began with a need to make energy efficient water heating system. Rocket oven was one of the choice. First was to experiment with hollow brick blocks….a day;s effort in experimenting with the same…ry .some more research, some more experimenting lead to making ot with bricks, Visit to brick factory to buy brick was bonus…

  • Learning Doubled

    It was about ‘coconut’ – one could make food with it or make craft with the leaves or just simply climb coconut tree or just feel it. Some choose to make sword with it watching a video. Next day one of the child taught many more….made many more. Or it was teaching boomerang or shooting…

  • Various Explorations – Summer at Aarohi

    Trekking to nearby temple on the mountain was initially boring (climbing steps) but then it was challenging to climb rocks and even jumping 9 feet down 🙂 Explored how a sleeve is stitched … tailoring became fun with measurements and adding those extra inches for stitching from 3/8th to ¼ inches. Made musical instruments with…

  • Explore Music

    Morning all coming together and listening to music, playing with music, singing and dancing….It was an experience they went through when they came to experience Aarohi.