Category: Blogs

  • Physics in Amusement Park

    A trip to Wonderla resulted in exploring many concepts like momentum, acceleration, speed, centrifugal force, earth rotation, gravitational force, and energy. It began with wondering in water slides when five of us started from the same height, traveled the same distance but I reached first. We discovered that mass does matter. Fear of falling in…

  • Experiencing Aarohi – Exploring Strengths – Summer

    Experiencing Aarohi is about living and learning together. It begins with ‘what you want to do and how you want to do”. The week began with DREAMING, making a cat house or making a science toy all became part of dreaming. Dreams do come true. Knowing each other with a small introduction was the beginning.…

  • Politics and Democracy

    When do you become a citizen of the India?When can you vote?Why do we not know our rights?Is politics government?Why are some govt spaces like hospitals and schools stinking?How do our lives get affected if we do not know the politics? Komal, a politician by profession, shared about politics and government. She emphasized knowing about…

  • Play Conference

    Aarohi kids were invited to facilitate an experiential session on using playful environments for learning at Christ college. As part of the preparations for the conference, the work of individuals and organizations from across the world on the play, with a special focus on India, was compiled. This will be showcased at the conference. Play,…

  • Experiencing Aarohi – Knowing Self – Summer

    Aarohi is not about learning about a topic or gaining knowledge or learning and mastering the skills. The life at Aarohi revolves around ‘discovering self’. The first discovery is of self and that begins with “I need to think for myself”. Summer camp at Aarohi began with asking “DREAM”. One of the child shared spontaneously…

  • Ctrl-Alt-Make

    Workbench is a maker space – a dream place for anybody who is into making stuff and who would need tools, guidance and a contagious environment. When workbench created this 2.5 day event – Ctrl-Alt-Make – six of our children got excited – to participate, to learn and to make. While we did not really…

  • Making Teepee shower

    It began with a need to have another bathing space. It continued with the dream of exploring the different material and different method to create. One of the visiting guests had introduced to us the concept of TeePee shower. One of the children liked the idea and all other things fell in place. It was…

  • Holi

    Flame of the Forest Or Palsah flowers….bringing scented yellow-orange orange to our Holi joy. Happy Holi !

  • Every Hand

    Every hand adds value. As part of Friday Active We, we planted trees at the campus just before it rained. All hands at the campus took part. Two years back a 3yr old child shelled 100 seeds, we planted all of them and out of them 60 sprouted. Encouraged by this experience we planted many…

  • Determination has no age limits

    A Child came from Chennai with his mother to spend a week at Aarohi. This week there were no kids of his age at the campus. We did not ask him to do anything, he did not ask us to teach anything. The first day he wanted to go back.He began with wondering, observing, exploring…

  • Water Filter

    We went for a walk along water path at campus exploring septic tank, baffle filter, Reed bed, black water, gray water. This walk led to making and experimenting with our own water filters.

  • Story of Dome Making

    Bamboo Cutting Baboo Treatment

  • Manthan – Festival of Joy

    Manthan is the space for the Aarohi community to come together and churn our thoughts. Each time it is different. This time we began with pondering over ‘manthan’. “What is Manthan for you?” – Union, bonding, togetherness, chatting, understanding and clarity. “What we want to do in this Manthan?” – Portfolio, games, and activities for…

  • Gift Factory

    Gifting is beautiful! At Aarohi, we began with the need of gifting for our volunteers. Gift factory was born to cater to the needs. We started exploring handmade gifts, gifts which can be given to travelers (most of our volunteers are the traveler with tight spaces). The need of giving created space for us to…

  • Brushing and Myths

    As part of our health and hygiene, we explored ‘dental health’. Interviews were taken to simulate about this topic with few questions – How much time do you spend in brushing? Why do you brush When do you brush? Do you consciously brush each teeth? Do you brush in the night? Why? Why Not? Do…

  • Training of forest fire

    Summer brings dry season at the campus and this also increases the possibility of forest fire around us. One of the tools we use for our safety is we make fire line. This also allows some of us to get trained in handling forest fire. Since the making of fire line is planned it allows…

  • Learning Experiences

    Parent-child-mentor meeting is to add value to our ecosystem. For the benefit of the child, open and honest communication among facilitator, child, and parent is needed. Parent, children, and facilitator together review learning, challenges, expectations etc. At Aarohi we believe we all are learner and child can get immense benefit by knowing us and knowing…

  • Power of WE

    Active WE at Aarohi bring us together and we experience the power of WE…making flooring for our courtyard to make usable flooring space or to collect plastic or clean tamarind of our yearly supply or repair our sports ground or re-organize our library space.

  • Balance

    Do you wonder what does it means “Do what I want – I decide – I do?” Does freedom to choose means no responsibility of commitment? Life at Aarohi involves committing to yourself as well to the community. Contributing on a daily basis to all aspects of life like the campus, kitchen and resource care,…

  • My passion

    One of the children who is taking his passion for chess at the deeper level, He shared,“Chess is a game if you plan to start you cannot come back and you have to really work hard and dedication. It’s not as easy but you do when you want to achieve. I have my own frustration…

  • Seeing an Object

    Observe any object and see the lines, curves, shapes, size, colur, texture.Wonder why the pens are of this size, why nibs have those curves or why scales are if 6″ or 12″? Wonder why ink was invented or staplers were made? What are these simple machine?Imagine you are the inventor of the object you are…

  • My KAA – Outstation Trip

    This began with one thought “design your own outstation trip”. There was excitement to go for the outstation trip of their own interests. Bird Watching to B R Hills – One child who loves birds decided t o go for dedicated bird watching trip. The need was not enough, now this needed work. The search…

  • Awareness of concern

    When do I know I have a concern? How do I deal with it? How do I express? What stops me from raising my voice? We prvoked this in Thought club. We began with pondering What is a concern? Bothering my emotions and constraining my working or life Not liking something Some actions are bothering…

  • Feedback to grow

    All sessions at Aarohi are designed to add value in learning. The users add value by sharing their feedback. Alternate Fridays session feedback helps in adding value. And also bring clarity for all. Thanks to some of the tools like World cafe, Sociocracy and NVC we create listening in a safe environment. We are growing…

  • We have a tailor!

    I have been doing art for many years now. I got this urge to learn from a teacher. I asked a child ‘if you know any online art course, let me know’. Another child with a spark in her eyes answered ‘I know a best online course’.With hope in my eyes, I was eager to…

  • Maths and Food

    Sevice tax in Aarohi Ki Dukaan (AKD) is just a medium to experience maths close to us…Buy a burger, add10% service tax, and get 20% discount for carrot dip and vegetables are free with the offer. Buy a meal for Rs 30 and for every Rs 100 pay Rs 10 tax. Buy cookies and get…

  • Dream of learning Community

    There is mathematics in each leaf I collect, There is science in each drum beat I play, There is music in each word I read, There is geography in each time it rains, There is history in each time I watch a video, There is learning all around us. We often do not talk maths,…

  • Testing and DOING

    One of the thing we workship is ‘DOING’ at Aarohi – we call it TESTING. We engage ourselves in doing something at the campus which leads to testing by usages. Each child is engaged in making something at the campus. The doing can be a big projcet making of Dome of 30feet diameter or tipity…

  • Determination

    Determination has no age limits Two 5 years old determined to make a tent for themselves. Two 45 years old determined to make Borewell water motor working In their own way creating a determined learning environment at Aarohi. Imaginea learning community for children (and adults) where there is no curriculum – because we believe that…

  • How do we learn?