Travel is part of living at the campus. We travel in local trains. We travel in the group. This requires each one of equipped with understanding about travel, travel in a group, the place we are going, what to expect, what are the constraints and what is the responsibility for safe travel.
Traveling in groups does not necessary means a menace for co-passenger, our codes say ‘take care of co-passengers, talk in low voice’. What to do when a stranger asking for personal information or what to do when one wants to go for toilet or hungry. While all this looks very simple, but when a group is traveling the complication increases. Unless the group understands their responsibility, such travels are unimaginable.
Hence the session on ‘travel and safety’ was natural when we decided to visit science museum in Bangalore.
Next logical questions were “why are we going?, how we will reach when to have food?, how to travel? How long and so on? Details guided visualization with each one of us drawing our possible travel made sense to imagine the day.
“Freedom with Responsibility” is a very common phrase at Aarohi. Responsible also needs a fair amount of understanding. And understanding needs involvement. Involvement requires clarity. Clarity requires planning and planning requires preparation. And the mix of all leading to learn from their life – for their life.