Author: admin
Teen club – romantic relationships
What is a romantic relationship ? Our image of love, romantic relationships and dating is heavily loaded by external influences. Media, movies, songs, advertisements, society, parents and friends all play a role in shaping our understanding of relationships. This teen club we tried to look at how all are we looking at relationships. Below is…
Summer week 1 – Choices
Choices are “what I want to do”. Non-choices are “what I have not explored yet”. Every time I make a choice, I leave some choices…I chose to do carpentry, I am leaving out cooking or reading a book. And that’s what we experienced in the first week of summer. “I am able, I can choose…
Colurs of the Music
Just some colors And Some music – slow, fast, instruments, old, new, different culture…just music. Let the music lead your hands No brushes to paint Use body to paint Not paint to make a painting Paint for joy and music!
Paper and Toys and He!
He naturally connects with paper folding He gets those precise folds He can do it without any distraction or external push He does it just like that.
Aarohi Marathon
Marathon started with the spark of idea from a Parent, Fitness coach of Aarohi. The Spark spread the Fire of Running in everyone in the community who participated in the event. Some missed, some participated and some wanted to keep the fire alive. The Spark of Running Marathon event was fueled by 3 children who…
Learning Stories
Many stories on how children learn and each story is different. But each story reminds us that each child is unique and learn in their unique way. How a child Learn? Well,I started with looking for the tiniest flower I could find, and slowly my interest grew and it went into looking at flowers and…
Turtle walk
Turtle walk at Chennai stimulated many thoughts in me about conservation, interaction with animals and the life! There was something special about the volunteers I met at the beach – one of them doing for last 22 years and still doing every weekends for five months. He was as inspiration for me to walk the…
Gifts !
GIFT was the theme of the week – We receive and give gift to self and others in various forms like physical, verbal, act, written, environment (things, nature, people happening, events), time and opportunity but this week was the opportunity to pause and reflect on the gifts we give and get Gift of support Gift…
Surfing at Mulki
The sea was seaFirst day I thought it was just a sea.Second day thought it was rough.Third day I thought it was gentle.But the sea was sea all the three days.I got to know it’s not always about the sea.It is and about my understanding about the sea.It was also about my ease with my…
Learning Zones
If I do what I already know I stay in my comfort zone. If I do something more, or new, I step into challenge zone – then I learn, I grow. This week explored various zones and how to use them for our growth. First it was about understanding about zones – some said comfort…
Are you Listening?
The theme of the week was “listening”. We all hear and listen. Is there any difference between listening and hearing? And how about Listen to build relationships, to understand others, to able to understand what is spoken, to learn about a topic, to get information to tickle, to stimulate, to create, … Listening is not…
The Key to FREEDOM
We were writing expressions, I asked the group to write complete sentences rather just few words and skipping the grammar. One child expressed “14 yrs in schools and teachers have made it boring for me’. I asked the child, “while the teachers made it boring for you, what did you do to make it interesting”?…
The world of NEWS
We all read news, or at least know about news – news paper, social media, TV etc are the various mediums which allows us to know what is happening around. A session with Rajesh to understand the world of news, newspaper and reporters. It began with “What is News? When dog bites a man, it…
Vasudaika Kutumbam
A letter by a Father on community living You are in a community living with 20+ others. I trust that your life is getting redefined in Aarohi and what you will learn there will redefine your life for a long time. It could even make you lead a more enjoyable and fulfilling life. However, IF…
What is in Landscape?
We live in apartments, we live in homes, we move around in malls, and office buildings, we walk on paths, we run on grass, we play in parks…ever wondered how are they designed? What all is in building? Who all are architect ? What is the role of an architect? What is landscape architecture? Is…
Best way to teach
Is there any one best way to live life? If no then can there be one best way to teach. Children are dynamic and they need dynamic facilitation. Breadth of facilitation will provide depth to understand a child.
Learning Utsav – Celebrating Learning
A day at Aarohi to celebrate diversity in learning! The beauty of the event is the openness of the format, it allows one to participate in sessions of ones interest. It allows all ages to be equal, because everyone can teach and everyone can learn. It gives space for everyone from all ages, gender or…
Imagine when you get up in the morning you see a map on our mirror – a map of habits of mind. You randomly choose one of those, say perseverance. Now whatever happens during the day, in your life you focus on perseverance. You voice your thoughts aloud, “I wish I was more perseverant with…
My Journey – Self Directed Learning
As of today, I am 21 years old. I am an Entrepreneur, Artist, Facilitator, Earth activist, and self-directed learner. I am going to share my journey as a self-directed learner. As a little girl going to school and playing was what my life revolved around. I went to school because that’s what children do. I…
12 commandments by a parent
You pursue other interests as they rise and till they hold interest. Try and follow through a task you have undertaken till it’s finish line even if you will discard pursuing it. You are in Aarohi with a purpose. The main purpose is to discovering the real you. Also what the real you finds lasting…
Gratitude in abundance!
There was an announcement on mic “come and experience magical journey”. It was a gathering of more than 1000 people in LSUC, Bangalore. Some people joined – some of us knew each other just for last five days. But the experience was truly magical to see the energy of gratitude and appreciation flowing in the…
Culture and History
History brings kings, queen, war and palaces in one’s mind. But ever wondered the history of music, how and when football started, where did clothes came from, what is the culture of our home? Where did they get originated? What caused changes in any culture or how cultures evolved? This week theme was “culture and…
Teen club – POP culture
Pop culture means Popular culture. We experience POP culture around us through words (like Damm, Bro, Dude), Music, Dressing, Movies, Books, sports, politics, ideas – anything that is in the current trends on a mass level. We explored POP culture in our teen club and started with pondering. From where does this whole concept of…