I was sitting in the children’s park, watching my child tumble over the various play equipment. I was also watching three 5-6 yrs old girls pretend-play a family-family game. That’s when I overheard the conversation between these girls’ mothers: “I want to put her in a painting class”“I want a handwriting class, you know any?”“No […]
Which type of Adult you are – Supportive Truth Coach or Finding Lie Referee? It is not about “how not to tell Lie” but about “how to tell Truth”. How Do you provide T-R-U-T-H facilitation?
Do children Lie or they justify at that moment? If there is nobody to Lie to or no reason to Lie to – Where will be the need to Lie?
Universe gives us an opportunity to understand life by exposing us to the company of “The good, The bad and The Ugly”. Let’s take the bulls of Bad and Ugly by horns.
Understanding learning through Grammar usage. Using Grammar to explore a potentially bigger, and deeper myth about learning. We use grammar as a crutch to dig into this yet unnamed myth.
How do we define Success? When do we feel that we are successful in life? How do we reach to that milestone of success? What do we do once we achieve that success?
Lockdown could be a freedom if we invite children to the party called Life. Celebrate and Co-create the life . After Covid-19 can we declare “Co-live 20”
It appears to me that most people are in love with fear so much that they have chosen to live with fear. We seem to cling to enough fears, like fear of the future, or fear of others acceptance / opinion about us, or fear of others getting the better of us. We even preach […]
Can we change the potential of a child? Or we can facilitate the children to find their own peaks. Can we see a limitless child who can manifest his / her potential?
Why to enclose the education in a classroom when the whole world can educate me. Why not embrace a new WWW (Wide Wonderful World)
COVID Pandemic brings a different situation for us as a parent, for some of us our existing issues may be flaring up with children being all the time at home. Kids spending time in front of TV/Screen/sleeping can create anxiety in parents. One way to look at any situation is that there is a problem […]
Learning develops in pair – Clarity with confusion, creation with destruction ending with beginning, Because learning is never complete. It just opens new avenues to explore. In a way Learning is Unlearning.
Do we communicate our feelings associated with a need or do we communicate a need?
How important it is to communicate right need / want. All forms of communication are ok as long as we are sure of which one we are using and the awareness that one has multiple options to choose from. Lets explore some of the windows.
Reflection brings clarity. One of the way to reflect is to question. Let’s create our own question bank to reflect on various aspects. Ask question to oneself and to children. Have a conversation around such reflective questions with family and friends.
Subject – Math / No Music? Is it our choice of subjects or the child’s interest? For some Math can be Music and for some others Music can be Math. Lets respect the choice as well the subject and create limitless living for children.
The quest of learning results in questioning. Shall we stop questioning after seeking the answer or instead of seeking the answer ask more than obvious questions.
Observation is one of the most powerful tool to learn and to facilitate. As an observer are you a CCTV camera or a cameraman who instructs you what and how to do.
Reflection is all about exploring ourselves , our perspectives and attributes, our actions and interactions. It enriches us with many insights which helps us to improve in all our endeavors.
To live is to create. Facilitation itself is an act of creation. Let’s explore creating some aspects of facilitation which can open kaleidoscope of possibilities for whom we facilitate and for ourselves.
Often it is scary for parents “freedom to do what I want to do” and “what if the child does not choose what the child needs to work on. When the need to work on maths, science Hindi, English, history comes from our own thinking…………there is no freedom. When the need to work on the […]
Board certificate and college degree or gaining skills out of one’s own interest? All are good as long as we walk any of these paths from the standpoint of freedom and awareness not by following a mandated path.