
Help by Not Helping

Unwarranted help may create resource handicapped children. The power of struggle will plant the seeds of independent problem solving.

Excellence is a Habit

Repetition creates the habit loop, then why not repeat the traits which are needed to live a good life. Stimulate children to build these traits. To know how, read on.

Every Bad news is a Good news

Good stems from bad. Goodness does not have any meaning without tasting the bad. Parents can celebrate all their worries of bad behavior of children. This is an opportunity to create good.

25 Keys to Developing Success Skills and Values in Children

Questioning helps thinking. Thinking leads to discovery. Question about self leads to self – discovery. Self awareness is the best formula for success.

How to Help Discover Child’s True Potential

Is parenting about solving children’s problems in the name of support or is it about letting children bask in the glory of their own solutions? Questioning children can help them to peel layers and see inside.

Independent Learner

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a life time. Few years back I was reprimanded by my daughter’s teacher for not making my daughter learn her spellings for the dictation. Yes, I had seen the entry in her diary […]

Letting Succeed

Success is made of two things – one, to find what is one’s strength . Two, to strengthen those strengths continuously.

Letting Grow

Any growth is a change. Children also go through this change in various ways not just age. Question is are we growing as parents?

Value Education

Values help in travelling the journey of life. We don’t develop them automatically but through experience and observation. Child is not different. Let’s coach the child to set his compass.

A Moral Story

Values help in travelling the journey of life. We don’t develop them automatically but through experience and observation. Child is not different. Let’s coach the child to set his compass.

Helping Children Cope with FEAR

Its amusing that the first response most of us give to children – when they express any fear is, “There is nothing to be afraid of!” Take a moment to think about this – how would such a response help you if you as an adult have any fears. Forget being helpful such a response […]

Myth called Child

What is the difference between an adult and a child other than age and age related body differences. Mentally and emotionally we all are as same or different as we want to be. See the magic when we treat children as fellow being.

Play by Rupesh

Play in itself is the biggest source of learning and to develop thinking. Let’s not curtail play in the name of academics nor shall we interrupt the play by imposing our ideas about play .

My ‘SELF’ Intelligence

In school or in home all a child wants is to be treated as an individual by accepting his beliefs and ways of learning. He needs space to grow with his own pace and in his own style.

Word Magic

What is the basic role of language? If your answer is – To communicate / to Express, then i am sorry to inform that you did not score well in this test. Read on to know why.

The myth called learning

Do we want children to learn? Is it our need or their need? Do we want children to learn or do we want to teach? Does learning happens only when someone teaches? Here is learning myth buster.

Move it to learn it

The advancement of technology with modern times plays an important role in our lives directly and indirectly – it tries to reduce the friction from our lives. It mean lures towards a life where we don’t use our body to its full potential . Let’s create some fun by movements.

Teaching children Interdependence

Independence or interdependence? Can we ever make child independent when we all exist because of interdependence. Instead let’s all celebrate interdependence and enjoy the abundance it brings.

Its not what you look at – but what you see

Looking and seeing are not same. Seeking is almost like soaking eyes into what we want to see. Explore various aspects of visual intelligence and enjoy what you create.

white sheep on farm

Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless

What is the Job of us parents?
It is all about enjoying them creating his or her life?

Who wants Brinjal Curry every day?

Suppose your mother cooks good Bringal curry. Now the only problem is that she makes it every day. Yes, every day the same Brinjal curry. Ahhhhhh! Who wants Bringal curry EVERY DAY. Now tell me who is more intelligent: C V Raman, M F Husain, A R Rehman, Sachin Tendulkar, or Mahatma Gandhi. “Its not […]