To Become Wealthy – Produce

Doing helps to convert consumption to production. When we produce more , It leaves a wealth of not just tangible outcomes but many more intangible prosperity.

The equation of  WEALTH  is pretty simple – PRODUCE more than consuming and we ALL be wealthy.

How do we Produce

Not only read blogs – Let’s write some 

Not only watch videos – Let’s just make one video 

Not only ask for a design – Let’s create a design 

Not only read the books – but also make a summary and share 

Not only listen to the thoughts – Make your own theory 

Not only listen – Let’s also talk about our thoughts

It’s not about the OUTCOME, it’s not about the good and bad – it’s about DOING! And Doing is POWERFUL Somehow we are made to believe that the worth of anything is only when it is GOOD. In a way appreciated by others, used by others, or paid by others. 

Some of us continue to believe
Anything I make needs to be perfect
Anything I do needs to be good
Anything I talk about needs to be understood (appreciated) by others
Anything I write needs to be correct (nice)
Anything I say needs to make sense
Anything I post needs to be recognized (seen, responded, thumbs up).
Isn’t it very limiting. And we pass this limiting thought process to our children too 🙂

We have created more than 5000 blogs, more than 800 videos of various experiences of learning, around more than 1000 videos of various programs, 100’s of articles, 100’s of newsletters, few podcasts, 1000’s sessions designs, 100’s of programs, a few public talks…all are not being used/monetized/apprenticed by others, For that matter not even of good quality – in some video the lighting is dark, some blogs are not even read by others, in some article, there are spelling mistakes, in some talks we just talk nonsense …but we continue to produce. When we are producing we are actually not thinking – will people like it, are we right, is this politically correct, what will people make images about us…all we do is just create. INVITING you to DOCUMENT your MOMENTS.

read this ISh story  –