Opportunities and ME

Any new projects which are announced for kids, or any opportunity of any new project/work/learning at any of the campus or Amable brings a natural wish from various people that “Aarohi kids should take part?”

We bring these opportunities to kids through announcements as a part of exposure and leave it to the children to decide what and how they want to take forward. Many times I am tempted to wish that “they should take part”, but I keep all my temptations to myself.

At Aarohi kids are busy with their own goals and works. These announcements are just for information. Some shows interest to know more, some do not even listen “I already have so much to do, which I have planned for example watch a movie, arrange for b’day party, or read a book, do my workbook, relax……..

The simple belief is that they know that they can do anything they want to do at any time, they are able, They are AMABLE!!!. They know If they want a pen pal they can find, If they want to write a book review and share their thoughts with the world they will, If they want to make movie, they will make………………………..So I am not tempted to fill their life with “do it now”. Hence I am able to control my temptations and just do my work of nothing by not wishing to take part.

I have my own various reasons, why Aarohi kids should take part in any outer world opportunities

  • It will help Aarohi to grow
  • It will help them to interact with other
  • It will help them to know and face outer world
  • iT will help them to learn more
  • And so on

But the fact it that these are my reasons and not kids reasons, hence there is no ME in it for the kids. My personal believe is that whenever kids will have any of the above need, they will find a way to achieve it – till then let it be my goal, my needs and let me not drive through kids. All I can do is share my needs, my goals and that all. I am not expecting my goals to become their goals and they start working for my needs (even if it is to showcase Aarohi to the world).

Just wondering!!!
