Exam time is on at I campus
Few children are going through an experience of exams. These children chose a subject or a topic a day in advance and they also decide the examiner too. So the children who appear for that particular exams come prepared a day in advance while the examiner comess with an added responsibility i.e with questions paper. After exams they evaluate each other paper. The following are some the thoughts shared by children about this experience.
- I am feeling nice that for the first time in my life I have appeared a exams.
- Its a mixed feeling I am happy that I am writing exams with friends but also tensed that I should get good marks.
- When I am writing exams its OK but when I am an examiner its tough. I have work hard to prepare question paper and I should have complete knowledge of that particular topic.
In this journey children got an experience of what does cheating means in exams?, feedback on the question paper, competition among peers and appreciation.