Offer every family who is part of Aarohi
an intense, individual driven and
child focused learning
which the families co-create
giving wide exposures
from all colours of life
to collectively make our children’s
open learning journeys
rich and joyful.

Why Aarohi for your child’s learning?
Aarohi is not a school or an institute with a fixed curriculum, teachers, exams and results. Aarohi is a community of open learning families – a safe & non-judgmental space that unconditionally accepts each individual, no matter their age. Empowers each learner to design their learning journey and take charge of their life, gifting self leadership at every step.
Wherever your family is: exploring or just starting or already practicing homeschooling, unschooling or open learning – being an Aarohi family can be hugely reassuring and highly enriching.

How will my child learn in Aarohi?
- Dedicated weekly online sessions to help learners design their learning plans, support in executing the same and reflection.
- Ongoing sessions for mentoring individual learner needs and collaborations for the same and reviews with individual families.
- Aarohi wide Projects, Clubs, Workshops, Jaatre and other collaboration and connection sessions
- Outstation Learning Trips for families to Co-Travel, meet people as well as visit places for exposure and explorations.

Aarohi Open Learning is for:
- Children doing or wanting to start HomeSchooling, Unschooling
- Children and Teenagers unenthusiastic about studies, subjects, exams, etc rather who would like to explore and do what they deeply like
- Parents who want to try (say for a year) an alternate way of education which is joyous, child based and unconditionally accepts the child.