
On gender bias

We carry the legacy of gender based environment. We behave similarly based on similar beliefs. Instead of talking about gender based stuff , let’s create an ecosystem which enrich their thinking and experiences.

Unlearning Time

How about scoring some marks to unlearn all the rules of parenting or teaching? Shed all such beliefs and experience the magic of child weaving his or her own life.

The Learning Journey of Child abuse

Adults play an active role in educating child about sexual abuses. Instead of shying away, sensitize and empower them. Be part of this education which will protect children from such abuses.

Operating manual of your child

Children are not the product which can be operated with the help of a manual. Yet children expect us to deal with them in a specific. Let’s explore what parenting manual will children give us.

Five Values

Values should guide us to grow as a person. They should not be taught to be more socially acceptable. Bigger question is can we really teach values? If at all we can teach values then what would they be?

Considering Concentartion

Imposed concentration or joyful focus? If the work is attractive or it sparks the interest, children will cross usual concentration period of 20 min. If its enforced, one may not even wanting to do. Let’s be F-A-I-R to children.

Locus of control

Mostly we grow and bring up our children with a notion that “We and our behavior are the outcome of our environment (people and circumstances). Pause and reflect what it would be to have the locus of control inside you not outside you

Freedom to think

Teaching comes with responsibility. Responsibility of making children responsible for creating their learning or creating their limits of learning. We think freedom to learn is lucrative.

Whats in a name?

We are accustomed of getting satisfied when we know the definition of something unknown. Introspect and we will find many examples from everyday life where we know without understanding of concepts. Is understanding more important than knowing?

Lovely Labels, Lousy Labels

Our thoughts create our realities. Labels work same way. Have lousy thoughts, think lousy labels and create lousy children. Have lovely thoughts, think lovely labels and create magic. Choice is yours.

Learning Language

Any language can be learn if there is a need to know the language. Reading and writing happens by assimilation not by the milestone of age. As parents we can design the environment but that alone may not suffice if the child does not has the need to learn the language.

Right Brain

Our education system stresses much on logical and analytical process which is originated from Left brain. Can we combine it with the randomness and intuitive approach of right brain? After all we teach inclusivity then why to leave right brain in lurch?

Learning to See

As we grow we limit our sense of kaleidoscopic vison. This vision helps us to wonder about everything we experience. It brings a deeper experience. Let’s explore S-P-A-C-E.

Thinking Minds

“My idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects. – Robert Maynard HutchinsOften when a child ask question, the need to answer is very high based on the belief that this will help the child to move ahead or to know more. But what we forget is that […]

In Praise of Praise

Praise is like anger – done at right time, in right amount and for right reasons create wonder. Shallow praise leaves a bitter taste. Be real “Praising – Worthy”

Can we teach Values? Some Myths

Our action and child’s experience set a child to form an opinion of good and bad. Let’s empower the children to define their values for themselves based on their times.

Guidelines on choosing programs

Consuming vacations in attending camps/ classes can be taxing for parents and child. Moreover getting enrolled for a wrong choice of camp can be overwhelming. Find out how to choose a suitable program.

Role Reversal

Why we say “I will teach this to my child”. Why don’t we say “I will learn this from my child”. The changed mental state will create many interesting pattern to experience the child from a different lens.

The Myth of Patience

We as parents carry the legacy many traits in the name of virtues (or virtual quality 😉 and expect the child to follow the same. Patience is no different. Does patience depends on our expectations from people or situations?

The Myth of Rightness

Rights and wrongs are relative terms not absolute. As an adult when we question absolute we call it out of box thinking. When a child does not confirms to absolute we label it wrong thinking.

How Children Learn

Concept of teaching encages learning. Exploring gives wings to learning. Compartmentalize learning into subjects makes it limited. Everything around us serves as vast landscape of learning.