Tag: Creativity

  • To Become Wealthy – Produce

    Doing helps to convert consumption to production. When we produce more , It leaves a wealth of not just tangible outcomes but many more intangible prosperity.

  • I refuse to live out of conditioning

    “I am conditioned” is like living in coffin. Living out of choices is like a river , always flowing. Enhance living out of choices by opening new windows and refusing to use existing ones.

  • See no evil, hear no evil and say no evil

    Parents believe see-hear-say no evil” is best but child does see-hear-say evil. May be better option would be “think no evil”. Help child to decide what is good and evil and develop his own inside shield.

  • Raising Wealthy Children

    Brain is a lazy slave. Create habit of mind to produce more than consumption and earn a rich learning.

  • Whats in a name?

    We are accustomed of getting satisfied when we know the definition of something unknown. Introspect and we will find many examples from everyday life where we know without understanding of concepts. Is understanding more important than knowing?

  • The Myth of Rightness

    Rights and wrongs are relative terms not absolute. As an adult when we question absolute we call it out of box thinking. When a child does not confirms to absolute we label it wrong thinking.

  • The Learning Energy – Creativity

    Can learning be imparted by others? Learning is a well inside, you dig and find your pot of gold. To dig one needs energy to do the work of digging. The passion and purpose of getting that gold pot will provide the energy. This is creative energy.