Author: admin
Various travelogues by kids – For many of them it was first experience to write a travelogue. Some had heard this word ‘travelogue’ but had no idea, some took it literally ‘travel’ and filled up travelogue with travel details like when they did what … read more to explore how various children made sense of…
Dissolve it!
Fear is not a problem, it is a choice. We do not need to solve, we need to dissolve it!! We began session on fear with kids. It began with a survey on fear with few questions. Kids answered following questions What are the things you are afraid of? Recall one or two situations that…
Grand Parents
Grand parents are blessing for us – important part of eco system of our community, they bring love and affection. Thank you uncle for coming and spending time with us. Playing with us, working with us and living with us.
We celebrated ‘relationship’ at Aaorhi. we live together, we have different relationships and Raksha Bandhan was a good day to celebrate relationships. Not only brother and sister, but all kinds of human relationships.
Here are 12 reasons to drum…. We drum every week, we drum in rhythm, we drum in group, we drum to listen, we drum to be with ourselves, we drum to ENJOY!
We welcome you!
Each individual is a wonderful story and Thank you Sunitha for spending time with us at campus – you came to experience Aarohi, but our children benefited by getting exposed to your story. You came as a guest and soon you were part of community – thank you for cooking with us, playing with us,…
History through Movies
How does one learn history or rather how else can one learn history? How about MOVIES!!! Yes we announced a history course with movies. Many were clueless how movies can be a source to learn, we watch movies for entertainment and that’s all!!! We saw some movie clips and noticed the words which we would…
Word Magic
What is the basic role of language? If your answer is – To communicate / to Express, then i am sorry to inform that you did not score well in this test. Read on to know why.
Culture Exchange
People are source of learning, Often people ask us “what will I be value to your children at Aarohi, I know nothing to teach” and invariably we say “We believe each individual is a wonderful story and our children would benefit by getting exposed to your story. Aarohi is a learning space where there is…
Multiplex for Teachers and Parents
We watch a lot of movies and these movies either give us fresh insights, or reinforce the kind of work we do. Some are simply inspiring. Since we are already be familiar with Indian movies like Tare Zameen pe and 3-Idiots, we thought we’d share with you some foreign movies (in no particular order). Dead…
The tale of princess Kaguya
The tale of princess Kaguya (Japanese). If your child likes ‘water painting’, the animation is treat to the eyes. Together you can also admire making of the movie, which took 8yrs to make each frame by hand.
What did you ask at school today ?
The book is written for teachers and anyone who is working with children. Each chapter talks about different research relevant to education and learning and concludes with suggestions to bring changes in our approach. The simple, language ensures readers are not struggling to understand jargon of research papers. The book deals with many other aspect…
Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless
What is the Job of us parents? It is all about enjoying them creating his or her life?
Multiplex for Teachers and Parents
Movies present lives in different forms and brings up many nuances of dealing with situations. Here are some recommendations from Aarohi Multiplex.
Respect – Fundamentals of Disciplining
It was time for children to leave for home. A mother, who had come to pick up her daughter, came to me with her daughter and asked, “What makes you work with children, what makes you ‘tick’ with them”. I was about to say my standard answer, “Because I love them”. However suddenly the child…
Alternatives to Punishment – Part 1
It is not possible to have an effective learning without making mistakes. Child does same. They learn and develop the understanding of the world through mistakes. Shall mistakes be punished or be handled in such a way that provides and opportunity to learn better?
The word ‘travelogue’ was new to many in the group. So we began our journey. Instead of knowing what it is we just started writing about the trip.After one round of travelogue writing we made a mind map using the following template We used only key words to fill the mind map and then used…