Author: admin
Mesmerizing Mahabalipuram
Another aspect of outstation trip is learning about the place, by experiencing, by being there. For any place we did not take guide, as kids expressed that they want to explore by themselves. Sea Shore Temple – We saw Sea shore temple early in the morning and it was wow! We were mesmerized by its…
Travel and Learning
Every outstation trip creates many aspect of learning. It begins with learning about travel and its adventure as it unfolds. Traveling in different weather. Every time we want comfort of shade or hot it is not available. We need to work without fans/AC when we are on road. We do not get always what food…
Kite flying
No occasion, No festival, – the only reason was WIND. Wind is blowing in campus with good speed and some kids felt that its a good time to fly kites. Some flew for first time, some taught others … all ages enjoyed
Hidden Treasure
We have lots of different kind of board and other kind of games at campus, often hidden under other priorities…what we did is brought them out in welcome…and all were curious and indulged into playing all kinds of games.
Light up that Candle
Take a candle (done best in dark room) light it up, give one candle to each child, using the first candle, all light up their candle. Once all have lighted up, sharethoughts– some of thought shared One candle can make more light Some are poor, we can share our money with others We can help…
Meet your Fear
Every snake we spot in the campus, we learn from it. More we spot, more we learn :). Every new child brings own fear of snake and every spotting of snake allows each one of us to meet our fear in many different ways. Last time we spotted a snake, one child commented ‘ this…
History Expedition
Travelling is amazing education. Travelling together is even better. That is what are outstation trips – travel, see, meet, eat and learn. We go for roughly 3 to 4 outstation trips in a year. These trips can be anything from 2 days to a week long duration. Children together choose themes for the trips, then…
Puppets and Music
Put up any song, take puppet and just dance with them. Goes with any age
If I were a painiting
“If I were a painting”, a beautiful poetry. Lyrics written by Ewing Ii, Donald / Sampson, Donald, sung by Kenny Rogers was part of our sunshine. Kids found in collection of old cassettes and brought in sunshine. The thought of imagining self as a painting was exciting – We sang and sang whole day in…
Text books
I like textbooks for many reasons. Textbooks are designed to develop very specific skills. When the kids want to work on any specific skills, textbooks are very helpful. Often when a child asks for a resource to learn a specific concept, we give books from 1 to 10 levels, they choose which level they want…
Plastic Threads
Knowing how does things, which we use daily, are made, makes a huge difference in understanding our environment. We hear lot of buzz about how things are harmful for us (like plastic) but we are very less aware how they are made. I guess first we need to know how things are made to take…
Each child is capable
“EACH CHILD IS CAPABLE”. Every child has the immense capability but we are unable to see them. One child who hates maths, who is also labeled ‘useless’ by all around him, came to Aarohi. He could not relate to what was happening around him. He is not good in maths, but he has flair for…
Visit to Lab
‘CHEMISTRY’ is the word, was introduced in higher classes to me and now these days introduced much earlier. For years it was benzene ring’s diagram that was chemistry for me. Best time I had with chemistry was in lab identifying some compounds during ‘practical test’. While we see and experience chemistry all around, we rarely…
Drawing Course
Two kids today announced ‘course on Drawing’. Both have been doing drawing in different forms, using different techniques and books. They designed course for different levels. When the participants came, they were given different levels to know where will they start. Both the kids brought different books and techniques for reference. The session was serious,…
Thank you Narayan andArun Kaulige ( introducing Millets to Aarohi. We enjoyed cooking and eating both. It was a new discovery to know about Millets, rice and wheat. Learning to understand what we eat and where does it comes from. Kids enjoyed millet Khidi and Dosa. Looking forward to experiment with our food, bringing change…
B’day and Celebration
We had only half an hour to prepare for the b’day celebration. Few kids joined during lunch time -decorated the place, arranged to welcome b’day boy, arranged the music and WE DID IT !!! Thank you Sirihsa and Naveen to treat us with yummy food and pamper us with sweet and savories.
Why we need History?
Why do we study history? We began the session with this question. Kids came up with some thoughts To tell others that I know To visit forts and have fun To read stories of kings and queen To know what happened that time? We kept on wondering ‘what do we gain when we read history’…
Take a break in between busy sessions, busy work and do jigs. It changes frame of mind, it is quick break it is re-freshening.
Thinking Through Games
Focus on whole rather parts: many times we focus on my role and my gain rather than effect of my action on the whole. We played a game to experience ‘whole’. As a team we had to finish one round of passing ball, the game had some constraint like – no communication at all (full…
Doing and Learning
Few kids have been working on making and creating using old card boxes, cellotape and chart papers. Last week we put constraint of using ‘other material’. They went out, decided to work on ‘upgrading tree house’. Few more joined them, they first drew the renovation plan, then came up with material list and finally implemented…
Advaith Academy School Visit
Thirty eight children accompanied by 6 staff members from Advaith Academy, Hosur came for a day visit to Aarohi. The kids were at campus only for few hours – The children were mainly interested in seeing trees and plants, understanding how our campus works on solar and does water recycling, in climbing and exploring rocks…
Butter Making
Making butter from milk cream (Malai) brought many thoughts and excitement. We spent our time in thinking and understanding what is cream? How it comes out? What churning does? Why add water? What is butter milk? Why Krishna liked butter? How butter is made in the market … and while we are chit chatting, we…
Decision Making
We all make decision, but how do we make decision? We would like our kids to be critical thinker and develop the ability to take decisions. Wonder how we take decision? At campus we had to take decision ‘get up in the morning to go for running or not’. First we went for running at…
Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping – A visual tool for learning. This week we explored during planning, We planned in many different ways using symbols, key words in mind map. How will I use my body? How will I use making? How will I use my brain? How will I use my friends? Further we branched them as…
Learning through Designing – Bus Project
Someone has agreed to give old bus to Aarohi. We began with what and how to use this bus (bus has still not arrived). Last two weeks, some kids have been working on ‘bus designing’. Initially it was difficult for some to visualize the arrangements of racks inside for arranging books (library). They know multiplication,…
Learning Through Body
Kids see mixie, some even use it…in two minutes activity they converted themselves in mixie and explored the working of it through body.
Bamboo and Props
Take few Bamboo sticks, few wooden blocks and some empty oil cans…play with them and see the magic.
Warriors at work
Few kids bought Nerf guns and wanted to play war games in the night. To make there play safe – they made their own shields and helmets etc, and then made own safety rules. The time and safety codes were put up on notice board for others to comment and give feedback. They identified a…
We began online punctuation course. Initially some came with ‘know basics’. We began with online quizzes and self test. Quiz aroused curiosity when some did not score 100%. They wanted to know where they went wrong? Some went beyond online quiz. Text books came out, grammar text books came out….we wanted more ‘worksheets’, more games…