Author: admin

  • Compassion

    When two people fight… it leads to more fight or judging right and wrong….. Here is a story to read. We read this story on the theme of compassion in Aarohi thought club .. how words can create love and compassion and change lives. By TERRY DOBSON A turning point came in my life one…

  • Facilitating

    Adults at campus have been managing kitchen, buying grocery and food quantities. I as an adult never tried to understand how we learnt this organizing. I think we did not need to know, as we grew in our experience, we learnt more.Now, one of the child has taken up the role, she is our kitchen…

  • Gift Outdoor

    Gift Outdoor – As part of outdoor, it was turn to work in neighborhood. We began with idea of gift outdoor – spend some time with people in the market, work for them, eat our breakfast within limited budget, save some money and buy a gift for our helpers (station master, doctors in hospitals, police…

  • Life at Aarohi

    Lot happens during the week at campus…..not necessarily structured as curriculum but curriculum from life. We pick what comes on our way as we live our life Planning various things – Outstation trip – schedule, travel, connecting with resource people, identifying and finalizing the places to visit, stay arrangements and communication. Team of four consisting…

  • Sex Education

    Campus training on sexual awareness. The session was interactive and had lot of inputs from children. While this topic is very vast, we could only work on awareness regarding our responses, our thoughts and beliefs regarding some common sexual situations, on body parts, good touch – bad touch and sexual touch. Recommend parents to take…

  • Unconscious Leanring

    Each week quiz clubs on skype teaches us something new and different… of the week Sangitha talked about not only only revealing facts but also reading question well to pick up the main clue. Break up terms to understand better, see patterns, learn some basic suffixes and prefixes, arrive upon a few answers, eliminate options…

  • Comic Course

    We read comics, we enjoy, we share….Dirk from Germany who is professional comic book writer joined Aarohi to share his skills of making of comic strips. After a demo session comic course was announced with the commitment of 90 minutes daily for four days – all ages took part. Each one had their own story…

  • What we see

    Sometimes when we see Pepper pouncing on Coco, we get worried for Coco’s safety. We started observing more and this is what we also observed… lovingly he is letting Coco play with him… video

  • Kids are equally capable

    Sterilization of Coco’s (our pet dog) … From the finding of vet doctor, calling, fixing up an appointment, preparing for the visit to the doctor, stayed at the clinic during operation, understating medicine plan, giving her medicines … that’s a lot of work. Typically we would think this is work for an adult but here…

  • Own Clay Station

    It began with a need to have clay station – proposal was made for the place, one child sketched the space, the layout and arrangement of clay station. Soon it was working – We explored making clay with pond mud and also making our own toys with clay. It’s fun to play with toys, it’s…

  • Music and Language

    Exploring language through music – Dancing to the tune of Dandia music for Gujrati OR to dance on Oriya music OR Spanish music OR simply chanting chants in Sanskrit OR a simple Music march.

  • Can we teach Values? Some Myths

    Our action and child’s experience set a child to form an opinion of good and bad. Let’s empower the children to define their values for themselves based on their times.

  • Jobs @ Aarohi

    Last month we announced ‘Jobs@Aarohi. There was excitement to apply for job – some want this job to earn money and feel independent, while some wanted to apply for this job purely for their joy of doing and taking more responsibility. Additional notice was sent to those who wanted to apply for job to earn…

  • Children need love and respect when they seem to least deserve it

    When a child vomits, do you we worry about the vomit (we need to clean) or you worry about the child and his or her well being. Chances are you focus on the child, how is he or she feeling, worrying not about the vomit perse, but about the child’s stomach – you connect with…

  • Borewell Pump

    Life brings many opportunities to learn. Last month we had to depend on water from outside campus. This brought an opportunity to re-think, re-look and re-plan. While the work on rain water harvesting is on, one of the possibility was to malfunction of our bore-well pump. This was an opportunity to see where does water…

  • My interest and Abilities

    ‘Aarohi is a community of self directed learners – Children who decide what they want to learn, how they want to learn, when they want to learn and who use self assessment.We do not follow any philosophy, we follow the child’. This naturally brings skepticism “HOW is this possible?”To make this possible kids at Aarohi…

  • Hitting

    Managing behavior does not solve the root cause. Hitting may be helping child to fulfill some need. Understand it and guide them to explore more pathways.

  • Teasing

    Every emotions serves some needs. Teasing is no different. Empower children to understand it from problem solving perspective. Help them to explore various solutions.

  • Shram Daan

    There is a saying ‘charity begins at home’. I think participation in society also begins at home. During Id akkas took holidays for ID celebration. We announced ‘shram daan’ – asking community to come forward and take part in work beyond our regular campus care. Some signed up for morning, while some for evening and…

  • Chemicals and Chemistry – Special Week

    My interaction with chemistry started with h2o and ended with benzene ring. As I became more conscious about my food, I got introduction to chemicals as ‘not good for health’. Somewhere something was missing….special week at Aarohi allowed all of us to come closer to chemicals and chemistry and unreveal the mystery of chemistry and…

  • A day with Chandu

    A day with Chandu……day started with bird watching…. Had day full of exploring nature of Sam Fransisco….talks, videos and photographs. Started with bird watching, moving to ants, nature, food…. And many more things related to nature. In the process explored many more topics. Began with geography, we traced the location of California on the globe……why…

  • Id Celebration

    ID – We got introduced to the festival of id through two of our kids who celebrate and fast at campus during this festival and Fatima akka. Invitation to celebrate ID with her at her home in town was irresistible. All at campus decorated ourselves and since most did not have ‘festival dress’ some borrowed…

  • Live Music

    Live music has its own charm. We had an evening with Live Guitar and Keyboad. One child shared ‘how well he plays, must have practiced a lot’. Another one slept in deep sleep after a melodious evening.

  • Stretches in Yoga with Richard

    Richard, from Germany, living in Goa did not fail to inspire us with his yoga session to bring more stretches in our routine. He is a tree climber and a language teacher. Hmmmmmmm to be tree climber he needs fitness and he needs food which allows him to be active. A strong believer of ‘child…

  • Experience process

    We use Granite in our homes, but where do they come from? Are they natural (how can they be without any chemicals?), or they are processed ? Well, we went in search to find out about them and also to know what all is happening in our neighborhood. Just few kilometers from the campus we…

  • Petrol pump

    Petrol pump is very commonly used space…we rarely stop to see what it is all about, This time we stopped at our neighborhood petrol pump during outdoor visit to understand working of petrol pump. We discovered that we have right to ask for ‘purity check’ and each petrol pump display that. After knowing how billing…

  • Dogs and US

    Death of Bella was shocking for us. We felt that her absence left Pepper left alone. We have limited understanding of animals, we can only guess based on our experience. We took him to CUPA to find another partner for Pepper. Pepper (our dog) did not showed any need of making friends with anyone there.…

  • Self Reflections

    This is how we grow – self reflection learning to self discovery. Each week we reflect in many different ways. Often the doubts are raised ‘kids will rate 10 only’. But we have seen days after days that there is sincerity and truthfulness…they may not assess the way we look at them, they assess the…

  • Fasting

    Month of Ramadan brings fasting season at Aarohi, Some kids did for religious reasons, while some did for experiencing. It began with ‘i too want to do Fasting’. Soon it came as experience of temptations, control, understanding hunger and thirst and of course self. Some of us also shared various fasting rituals in our families.…

  • Evening Colurs

    Evening colors of Aarohi – music, masti and sunset.