Life brings many opportunities to learn. Last month we had to depend on water from outside campus. This brought an opportunity to re-think, re-look and re-plan. While the work on rain water harvesting is on, one of the possibility was to malfunction of our bore-well pump.
This was an opportunity to see where does water comes from? How does it reaches us?
We opened up our bore-well, took the pump out, dismantled it, cleaned it, re-assembled it and then re-install it into the borewell again. It took two days to work on the whole project, but each moment was worth …. where does water comes, what is borewell, how deep it is, how can find that out, putting a stone and measuring time with stopwatch, what would be size of motor, how it bring up, hwo the same weight is different depending on the the depth of the pump, and so many more questions.
Thanks to Rajesh for all the effort and patient questioning and answering with children.