Gift Outdoor – As part of outdoor, it was turn to work in neighborhood. We began with idea of gift outdoor – spend some time with people in the market, work for them, eat our breakfast within limited budget, save some money and buy a gift for our helpers (station master, doctors in hospitals, police man in police station).
Divided in three teams we went in search of helping others – some shopkeepers were skeptical ‘why do we want to work? Some left their shops on us to take care while they went out for breakfast, some asked many places but did not get work to do, some also earned money, some began with apprehension but ended up with a big satisfactory smile to be able to help others.
Filling up our stomach – eating what we need and then saving for gift was an humbling experience. Each team pondered over the ‘likes’ of the people – sweet or bindi or handkerchief or toffees or …churning of thoughts ideas before each team bought gifts. Sharing the gift and seeing smile on people’s face was gratifying experience.