We read comics, we enjoy, we share….Dirk from Germany who is professional comic book writer joined Aarohi to share his skills of making of comic strips.
After a demo session comic course was announced with the commitment of 90 minutes daily for four days – all ages took part.
Each one had their own story and worked on detailing.
We decided that each one of us will make a one page comic of our own in these four days.
Day one we created our character – the key questions were – what name, gender, age, what is one strength and one weakness of the character and one dark secret that the character holds. We drew the character – with few distinctive features to make it easier for the reader to reconise our character.
Characters choosen were – Penguin girl, Banana, super hero, Ninjha, Boy, and Racoon.
Second day we were ready to create a story. The story would be in three part format
- Context – what is happening in the character’s life, where is he or she etc.
- Challenge – the twist in the story – this is the spice.
- Climax / Conclusion – how it all ends up.
Dirk guided us on how to use the frame, perspectives, closeups or zoom-outs etc.
By the end of four days some comics were ready, some continue to work on it.
What was key was we realised that not only it is great joy to create one’s story / character – but even more joyous to tell it in the comic book format – and all of us, regardless of age can do it!