Author: admin

  • My Idea – Painting

    He had an ideaHe needed a sheet, colurs, some brushes and his space to be able to do it.He was surprised “I can do”!He did it! What would happen if we free the child of education systems, of curriculum, of teaching, of ranking and comparison? When we invite the child to grow organically (just like…

  • Learning mela – Celebrate Learning

    What if at one place, on the same day, there are lots and lots of people: Children, young adults, parents, senior citizens … all with different gifts, coming together to create the magic of co-learning. Learning Mela, where anyone can teach, anyone can learn … A day to experience the joy of learning, sharing, exploring,…

  • Learning is Contagious

    Just two of them met, started talking about music One started singing Another one joined, Two more joined, Now few more joining Learning is contagious … How children learn can be summed up in two words – by themselves! As they take ownership of their learning and then seek different ways to get it –…

  • Learning Spaces

    The kitchen is a place to eat and make foodA toilet is a place for excretionLiving is for LivingAnd learning is in the classroom Imagine “KITCHEN as a CLASSROOM”Some of the ideas shared by the learners of various ages at the campus Reading about food Decorating food Nutrition analysis Chemical reactions Understand about wars caused…

  • Trek to Raikottai Fort

    TREK is a trekGo, climb, come back, have fun, eat and that’s allBut can it be beyond just an adventure? A few of us planned to go for a trek to Rayakottai fort as part of Friday special at the campusThe learning began with PLANNING – who all, mode of transport, where and how to…

  • Celebrating Self – Talent Show

    One evening sharing our talent with the community Some practiced Some taught others Some did with others Some did it alone And that’s all Celebrating Self Just like that What would happen if we free the child of education systems, of curriculum, of teaching, of ranking and comparison? When we invite the child to grow…

  • Journey of Learning

    Every week at the campus is differentEach week is created by the people LEARNING is allabout ME and MY choicesmy DOING andmy EXPERIENCESand my REFLECTIONS Living is the curriculumOur learnings come out of our living

  • Learning Journey – Mother’s Diary

    For the first two weeks, I explored most of the klubs and picked the ones I was interested in. I also listed klubs for Pavan which I thought he needs while I associated them to classes. I set reminders to remind him and persuaded him to attend. At this stage, my belief about open learning…

  • Open Designers of Aarohi – Just another way of learning

    Few interested in designingThen an invitation “GANG of designers who will either design together or in subgroups or even individually but would meet regularly to discuss, question each other, give ideas, read design books, see videos and so on. We would get designers of different kinds to do guest sessions or workshops or just to…

  • Some poetry on Open Learning

    1 Once there was a bindass open learnerWho put herself on the hot burner She was on fireBurning with desire Roasted her skills till she become a super earner 2 Once a set of parents thought otherwise Not to run behind any kind of prizeFocus on his interestHis Passions and his zest And viola they…

  • Poetry Exploration – Learning Possibilities

    Exploring POETRY – just like thatSome people signed upAnd started their journeyAnd that’s how learning continued … 9 weeks, 9 hours, 540 minutes, 32,400 seconds When I proposed the idea, I was pushing myself out of my comfort zone as neither was I a poet nor did I really understand poetry or rhyming or ……..!…

  • Baking and Broken Glasses

    Baking in firewood oven – found broken glass pieces in the OvenBroken glasses often have an association with “danger, waste”. Kids who were working on it wanted to remove these glass pieces, wondering why this dangerous waste in the oven? This brought a discussion – what are these broken glasses doing in the oven? Is…

  • Change a bit – Reflection

    CHANGE a BIT – one habit that was there yesterday and today, but now you would like to change it PERSONAL HYGIENEBathing not doing – I want to do it, Bathing once in a week – want to change it to twice a weekNot brushing in the morning – will do from now Not brushing…

  • Open learning is like …

    A river starts somewhere and flows. As it flows through different landscapes other rivers and streams join. Some fork and separate out, and rejoin after some time. And the river always flows into and joins a sea or an ocean. We can see that in the natural course of things, life and learning is also…

  • Typical day – Glimpses

    There are no typical days at the campus. Each day is differentThis week was no different“I decide” was the beginning of the weekOpening CIrcle to chart my journeysome fitness with the morning sunshine, some understanding, some doingMorning circle to connect and collaborateAnd then the day open to design – cook or read or play or…

  • Trek to Metre Water Fall near campus

    EBAANSH Describing –The name of the waterfall is Metre falls most of the locals know it as metre, a huge waterfall and a lot of fun jumping over the stones going in the water, there were multiple small ponds, different sizes of rocks huge, and even small, got some amazing photos. You can easily spend…

  • As a parent of an open learner, what is my role?

    Think of yourself as a co-passenger. So more than a parent, you yourself become an open learner. Yes you would guide and support your child, but please expect your child to guide and support you equally. If we can interact everyday, sharing as well as listening, understanding as well as challenging, co-creating our life together…

  • I am not a good teacher, nor qualified, how will I teach my child?

    It’s actually a good-news that you are not a good teacher, else we would end up teaching. We aren’t supposed to teach children, rather guide and support them and they will find out from whom and how and using what they want to learn and do what they want to learn.

  • What skills do I need to develop to be able to support my child in their open learning journey?

    Actually none. Just be with the child: listen, understand, discuss, debate, argue, and mostly allow them to fail. And since you already have all these skills, you are ready!

  • What if when the child becomes an adult, questions our decision of choosing Open Learning?

    Two important points here – Any child can actually question any decision of their parents at any point of their life. That in itself does not mean that we need to take all right or safe decisions, because perhaps any decisions which might look right or safe can be questioned and seen as otherwise later.…

  • What role does the extended family play?

    It is a Co-creation journey and whoever in the extended family is ready can be a co passenger, more the merrier. Open learning invites all in the family to become open learners.Also do invite them to play the role of questioner – constantly questioning the child and the parents. Perhaps that is the most important…

  • What kind of environment should we create at home to foster open learning?

    Simple – a learning environment: Where your children see you as a learner (and only as a teacher), where failures, mistakes, incapabilities are seen as much part of our life. Where each one is W.I P – Work in Progress.

  • I am in sync but my spouse or the grandparents or the relatives are not in favour of this decision.

    Super – this means there can be so many discussions, explorations, perspectives etc. The idea in open learning isn’t to convince others (since we are not wiser or smarter). The idea is to even see this as an opportunity to learn and explore and discover. 

  • Won’t a child miss out on all the social skills that traditional schools impart?

    In our opinion traditional schools do not necessarily impart social skills. Merely being in a class with  age children does not imply social skills.Open Learners choose their social relationships, which often span across different age groups. These could be based on who is near me and accessible – neighbours, relatives, family friends etc. Or these…

  • How will the child form friendships like we did in our classrooms?

    One, school limits us to typically having friendships only with people of the same age. Open learners can make long lasting friendships across a wider age group. Two, more than 90% of the time in school is taken up by classes. In the time that is left, some of us are lucky to build good…

  • What about co-curricular and extra-curricular and team activities done in school?

    Since there is no curriculum, nothing is extracurricular. Open Learners explore what interests them which could range from Science to flying kites to music to embroidery. And this variety of interest and the time available for deep diving into their interest also gives them opportunities to interact with people with the same interest and also…

  • What life skills can be learnt as an open learner?

    In some ways open learning is all about developing life skills. The biggest being to lead one’s own life. Since nothing comes to them on a platter – they get into planning, doing, exploring, experimenting, reflecting, failing, … the list goes on.We realise education is not about some external curriculum, but about discovering and developing…

  • Will the child be able to transition smoothly from open learning to strict process-bound-colleges or real life jobs?

    In our experience this is not at all a problem. Already they are fiercely independent as well as well versed with the ways of the world. Open learners do not exist in any one environment, in fact they learn how to make the best of all kinds of environments. And if they choose to goto…

  • What about preparing for a competitive world?

    Open learners are in the ‘real’ world from day one. So they are used to competition as well as cooperation, following something as well as leading by their own designs, Letting go as well as taking initiative and so on.Realise the world itself is not competitive, and open learners get to see the world not…

  • Can my child go back to a regular school / college at any time during open learning?

    Surely. So many children have moved freely between school/college and open learning. Getting an admission is not so difficult in today’s world where schools/colleges far outnumber the demand.Most schools do not insist on TC (Transfer Certificate) when they know the child has been doing pen learning. They may however demand an entrance test / interview…