Tag: Exploring

  • A little Philosophy with children

    Philosophy originates from from wondering, wandering and questioning. Not from seeking answers. Its is not slave of knowledge and procedure. May be children are best philosophers.

  • Purpose of Education

    We hear this about this fear “I am scared of children (who are in the alternate system) feeling they are superior to others …. “ We feel scared only when we are expecting a result in binary(0/1). Expectation feeds fear. Is education supposed to deliver on predefined outcomes like grades, 1st division etc.? If its…

  • My Intelligence

    Life does not operate in binary so we can not say some is intelligent or not. Based on our need and situation we understand and experience from different angle. These different angles are various intelligences.

  • The Love Story of Values and Rules

    Rules and Values have their love story to share. They are inseparable. Let’s all interpret this love story individually. Rules do not limit us, they actually let us spend time to focus on things that we really value.

  • Reading Tips

    Reading opens a person to the world which they may have not explored or it helps us to see lives which we have not lived. But reading can add more depth to us if we make it more creative. Read on.

  • Learning Language

    Why do we need language – to read , to write or to communicate. Do we ever teach mother tongue formally? yet child learns it much before he / she goes to school. Should the language be taught or be learnt?

  • Curious Minds

    Curiosity is an integral part of learning. The learner can explore much more with an unending curiosity than the one whose curiosity is satiated by some standard answers. Keep curiosity alive and keep exploring.

  • Operating manual of your child

    Children are not the product which can be operated with the help of a manual. Yet children expect us to deal with them in a specific. Let’s explore what parenting manual will children give us.

  • My dream year at school

    Schools are designed in such a way that everything looks same except marks. We take this business of education too seriously. Child by nature is not serious so why not create Disneyland of school ?

  • Learning Language

    Any language can be learn if there is a need to know the language. Reading and writing happens by assimilation not by the milestone of age. As parents we can design the environment but that alone may not suffice if the child does not has the need to learn the language.

  • Freedom to think

    Teaching comes with responsibility. Responsibility of making children responsible for creating their learning or creating their limits of learning. We think freedom to learn is lucrative.

  • Learning to See

    As we grow we limit our sense of kaleidoscopic vison. This vision helps us to wonder about everything we experience. It brings a deeper experience. Let’s explore S-P-A-C-E.

  • Right Brain

    Our education system stresses much on logical and analytical process which is originated from Left brain. Can we combine it with the randomness and intuitive approach of right brain? After all we teach inclusivity then why to leave right brain in lurch?

  • The Myth of Rightness

    Rights and wrongs are relative terms not absolute. As an adult when we question absolute we call it out of box thinking. When a child does not confirms to absolute we label it wrong thinking.

  • Guidelines on choosing programs

    Consuming vacations in attending camps/ classes can be taxing for parents and child. Moreover getting enrolled for a wrong choice of camp can be overwhelming. Find out how to choose a suitable program.

  • How Children Learn

    Concept of teaching encages learning. Exploring gives wings to learning. Compartmentalize learning into subjects makes it limited. Everything around us serves as vast landscape of learning.

  • This Vacation – Doing Nothing

    To do list are long and mostly not achievable in given time. Why not to have doing nothing list. Which will be empty. Let child fill this list with the way he wants, at least during the vacation 🙂

  • Create a self-directed learning environment

    Self-Directed learning provides a deep understanding of self. This connection with helps to live the life of a direction. Can we provide such environment to children which foster self directed learning?

  • Travel to Learn

    Travel is the biggest book to learn from. Here we learn from our own experience and also from other’s experience. It creates an enriching memory to be used for life time. Read how Aarohi children understand travel.

  • Do you PLAY with your child?

    Play – one of the biggest source of learning. But why we need to associate everything with learning? Learning happens automatically. Just be the child with your child and experience the fun of being with children.

  • Independent Learner

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a life time. Few years back I was reprimanded by my daughter’s teacher for not making my daughter learn her spellings for the dictation. Yes, I had seen the entry in her diary…

  • Play by Rupesh

    Play in itself is the biggest source of learning and to develop thinking. Let’s not curtail play in the name of academics nor shall we interrupt the play by imposing our ideas about play .

  • Word Magic

    What is the basic role of language? If your answer is – To communicate / to Express, then i am sorry to inform that you did not score well in this test. Read on to know why.

  • Move it to learn it

    The advancement of technology with modern times plays an important role in our lives directly and indirectly – it tries to reduce the friction from our lives. It mean lures towards a life where we don’t use our body to its full potential . Let’s create some fun by movements.

  • Learning dhik chik dha

    Music is not just for party and outings. Music is rhythm of life. Music is around us in various forms. Read on to know how music can be integral part of our environment and what impact it has.

  • Story of X and Y – Math Logic in classroom

    Isn’t it hilarious to cage the concepts in the boundaries of subjects. Read on the story of 2 children of Math-Logic intelligence to understand these boundaries are blurred in real learning.

  • Its not what you look at – but what you see

    Looking and seeing are not same. Seeking is almost like soaking eyes into what we want to see. Explore various aspects of visual intelligence and enjoy what you create.

  • Sex Education Resources

    It is rewarding for parents and children to have a transparent channel of communication regarding sex education. Here are some resources we found useful.

  • Multiplex for Teachers and Parents

    Movies present lives in different forms and brings up many nuances of dealing with situations. Here are some recommendations from Aarohi Multiplex.

  • Green Environment, Nature and Education

    In today’s world we normally get an overdose of environmental gyan. We have green-everything being offered everywhere. Most of us are actually wary of these exposures, the claims, even the education. So, i am not keen on giving any lessons, but thoughts that i would like to share with children, perspectives that I would like…