Category: drupal-import

  • Community Sports

    Community Sports. Community sports is like something we all play together different ages from 8 To 50. We fight, debate, fall, sit out we do different things. each child has Some want to Win want to be first some like shouting ad playing some just enjoy playing the game. We play different variety of sports…

  • Hands on Multiple Intelligence

    Offering to as many children – from the surrounding villages – an environment, opportunities and invitations to lead their own learning, thinking, development and destiny,we go to Government schools during weekdays.We want that, without any value judgment of socio-economic or geographical background, open learning reaches all. In one of the session, we explored multiple intelligenceusing…

  • Intro Session

    Finally after 5 months I was super excited to be with kids…..Could notice the same with them too…. We greeted each other by pulling our ears.. Kids sat in a circle and played a ball game. Whoever gets the ball shared their name and a dream that they have… Few shared they get dream to…

  • Barbeque

    One child had put up Barbecue while making menu for the week, Barbecue was planned for dinner, He was confident that he will prepare for Barbecue in hours time in the day time and then barbecue in coal in the night. We have been failing in our barbecue till now.Few more joined, they spent four…

  • Last week of life

    If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today.” And whenever the answer has been, “no” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” Inspired by Steve Job “last day” we planned our weekly planing this week “If…

  • Resource Reverence

    The occasion of Ayudha puja brought an opportunity to come closer to our resources. The whole community worked on cleaning and sorting our resources and resource spaces we use. Parents recorded and shared their stories of resources they used in their childhood, shared what was precious and what was available in abundance. We celebrated with…

  • Touch

    Can touch communicate? We explored in our mindful activity touch with communicating with touch – How we can communicated just by hands touching other’s hands (and eyes and mouths closed). We expressed various emotions via our hands and realise touch can say so much!

  • Story of resources

    Do you wonder how we used our resources? What was precious for us and what was in abundances? Parents sharing their childhood stories with the community. They shared how one pen was precious or that one round of bike was important or water was precious and how one pencil stayed long and longer. As parents…

  • Raja’s Farm

    It began with a child initiated the drive to arrange for the outdoor. He was so much into making the schedule, calling up, finding information, route map he was totally into it for the whole 3 days to get the complete information. At times, rolled with struggle to decide, screamed at others with tension in…

  • What is Sex

    We are more curious to know about things which are not talked openly or not visible. The word “Sex” is no different. Our dilemma, fears and beliefs add more to child’s confusion. Explore how can we break this taboo.

  • The Learning Journey of Child abuse

    Adults play an active role in educating child about sexual abuses. Instead of shying away, sensitize and empower them. Be part of this education which will protect children from such abuses.

  • On gender bias

    We carry the legacy of gender based environment. We behave similarly based on similar beliefs. Instead of talking about gender based stuff , let’s create an ecosystem which enrich their thinking and experiences.

  • Operating manual of your child

    Children are not the product which can be operated with the help of a manual. Yet children expect us to deal with them in a specific. Let’s explore what parenting manual will children give us.

  • Visit to Brain Museum

    Visit to brain museum was lifetime experience. Thank to Dr Shankar and his team we came so close to our own body. Touching and feeling actual parts of the body brought many emotions. The study of body looks so much relevant. Some kids felt disturbed to see actual brain and other parts of body. They…

  • Questions to Grow and Glow

    Do answers lead to learning and awareness or question sparks thinking in that direction? Questions are important tool to bring awareness and to reflect. Here are some to help you and you can keep depositing in this bank.

  • Learning from the humble ‘DIYA’

    Have we qualified to be a parent? Well it is a life skill. Like any other life skill one needs to keep on unlearning and relearning the parenting. Learn the art of understanding and enlighten your child’s life like a Diya.

  • Sex education beyond physical act

    Almost every household uses a code name for body parts which are covered. Body parts and sex education are not seen together. Once we break our own barriers around sex education we can enrich child with this important knowledge.

  • Unlearning Time

    How about scoring some marks to unlearn all the rules of parenting or teaching? Shed all such beliefs and experience the magic of child weaving his or her own life.

  • I am my favorite

    Every role we play in child’s life as parent or teacher in the name of upbringing or education, they have those traits built in. The need is allow them to see these traits by themselves and create a life of their own.

  • Reflection – Why and Hows

    Reflection is one of the best to tool to bring self awareness. Education is nothing but being self aware. Understand how reflection helps and how do we do it.

  • My dream year at school

    Schools are designed in such a way that everything looks same except marks. We take this business of education too seriously. Child by nature is not serious so why not create Disneyland of school ?

  • Five Values

    Values should guide us to grow as a person. They should not be taught to be more socially acceptable. Bigger question is can we really teach values? If at all we can teach values then what would they be?

  • Locus of control

    Mostly we grow and bring up our children with a notion that “We and our behavior are the outcome of our environment (people and circumstances). Pause and reflect what it would be to have the locus of control inside you not outside you

  • Considering Concentartion

    Imposed concentration or joyful focus? If the work is attractive or it sparks the interest, children will cross usual concentration period of 20 min. If its enforced, one may not even wanting to do. Let’s be F-A-I-R to children.

  • Freedom to think

    Teaching comes with responsibility. Responsibility of making children responsible for creating their learning or creating their limits of learning. We think freedom to learn is lucrative.

  • Steeplechase / Hurdle Race

    Steeplechase in Olympics inspired us to create our own Steeplechase / hurdle track (10 hurdles) and then we all did practice to master the same and finally all did a time trail to check our performance. As a community we learned (from each other) on how to form, and overcome hurdles.

  • Aarohi ki Dukan

    It began with need to buy our snacks by ourselves. Aarohi ki Dukan opened up. Each week, each one of us get Rs 13/- budget. We can also use cumulative amount. We make our own bill and give to the shopkeeper. We can use any medium to calculate. We can take help but we need…

  • Experience – Kitchen Clean Up

    Every day, each one of us clean atleat one meal. Thsi includes clenaing tables, slabs, washing sttaion and floor after each meals. This is a skill which many of us are develeoping. Many of us do not know how to clean table after meal, donot know how and where to start brooming. Well, a training…

  • Tank Clean up

    Just few questions How do we store water? What all is at the bottom of tank? Is our water dirty or clean? Does stored water means dead animals in it? What does it feel to go 12 feet below the ground? How to organize water tank clean up? When to clean tank? How much water…

  • Baking

    Baking session started with one of us announcing it.As they entered kitchen there was excitement and anxiety. One of them announced so this is baking class? Another one was anxious for the ingredients, one was lost and just started helping others, one came to me with desperation where is flour, where is, how much should…hmmmm…