Visit to brain museum was lifetime experience. Thank to Dr Shankar and his team we came so close to our own body. Touching and feeling actual parts of the body brought many emotions. The study of body looks so much relevant.
Some kids felt disturbed to see actual brain and other parts of body. They had loads of questions and concern of death.
They were disturbed to see brain of a nine year old child who died after head injury and also brain of a person who died in road accident.
They were sad to see six week old fetus. The museum has skeleton of 70 yr old lady.
After some time they were fine, but initialy some were disturbed.
For some It was lifetime experienec to touch and feel actual brain, kidney, skull, intestine, liver, lung, heart, spinal cord, vertibra etc.
We saw many other diseased brain and animal’s brain.
Everything in museum is real but dead.
At the end we made word maps and crazy story – here is the story.
I am brain. One day, I got expired. I was thinking want I wanted to do. I started to think about other organs. When I got cancer, I went to the doctor and doctor advised me to ganged up with liver. The problem was solved. Soon I met heart we danced together, we danced so much tha heart broke and got heart attack. Heart swaped with me. Now I was heart and had to pump blood. I committed suicide. The heart had to do both work and soon blood vessles broke and blood satrted filing. Soon heart made clone machine. Donated few more gearts here and there. Soon it became a heart campus. With this happyness, eyes popped out. Soon spine took over heart. And heart started fighting and got tumor. Spine liked brain job. Heart and bones exchanged their jobs. Body was confused. Brain reappered and was angry and resigned. Heart felt sorry. Finally called kideny. Heart was too strong and kideny had failure. Kideny transplant done and all is well. Lungs entered the war. They used air and water pipes. Water came out and body died with plastic parts. Bones joined….story continues in next episode.
A day before the visit it made sense to spend some time with books – we did that. But when we went to museum, I realized that no books can give us this experience. We could now very easily relate to what we saw and felt and read in books. Thank you Dr Shankar for this beautiful inititiative.
Feedback from Skanda -Ifyoucanputdifferentkindofpostersitwouldbemoreinformative. Abiggerspaceforthebrainandotherbodypartstouchingarea.
Dhrupad says – Thank you for giving us so much knowledge about the brain. I liked the way you let us touch the organs. And the amount of knowledge you had inspired me. You had pallned so much for us. Thanks
Advik says -All the body parts which was there it was handled really well also the safty what is required it was clear communication about brain, kidney,heart,lungs and skeleton I learnt about how disease come. I learnt the way brain works and how it thinks and which part of brain thinks.About animals brain and how many curves are there that much smart we are. It felt soft when I was touching brain,kidney,lungs,heart and large intestine and the skull felt really hard.I felt disgusting after touching body parts while eating lunch and I felt sad because it was somebodys body was donated.