Category: OpenLearning

  • A child sharing observations and reflections from his trip to the Passport office

    A child sharing observations and reflections from his trip to the Passport office

    10-year-old Rohit is an open learner. His passport was to be renewed. He was very nervous on the day of the appointment because he thought he would miss his cricket coaching. Finally, he and his father started for the passport office. He called his mom after an hour to convey that they were on their…

  • How does my child manage my learning inability?

    How does my child manage my learning inability?

    Our Open Learning journey is full of fun, surprises, and challenges. My biggest challenge as a parent is dealing with my internal conflict. It is like walking on a forked path always. One path leads to the safe environment of the “known” and family/friends. Another path is traversing a beautiful “unknown”. My mood for the…

  • Divided by Subjects, United by Knowledge

    Divided by Subjects, United by Knowledge

    Can we break our knowledge into subjects? What happens when we imbibe the knowledge without these boundaries? Let’s explore

  • Milestones in Open Learning

    Milestones in Open Learning

    Are you a traveler or a tourist? A tourist goes by checking the milestones while a traveler creates his milestones. Open Learning is all about being the traveler of your learning journey.

  • Algorithm for child’s exploration in an Open Learning Environment

    Algorithm for child’s exploration in an Open Learning Environment

    Open Learning is all about multiple explorations. Learning stems from the joyful explorations not from a parent’s agenda to make child learn. Explore how parents can expand the horizon of exploration.

  • Children too can walk through walls

    Children too can walk through walls

    Today at Aarohi Campus, a 9 year old girl who was sitting outside our kitchen wall, asked me for water.I promptly told her that if she wants water she can walk east and she will soon reach Bay of Bengal and get lots of free water.She looked at the direction (east) where my finger was…

  • CAT – Life’s curriculum

    CAT – Life’s curriculum

    When it comes to educating our children, “curriculum” is normally the first question that comes to people’s mind. We try to figure out between NIOS or CBSE or ICSE or IGCSE or … let the child learn from life. Often LIFE CURRICULUM is not so clear and many fall back to conventional academic curriculum. Here…

  • Reflective Insightful Quizzes

    Reflective & Insightful Quizzes for Parents, Teen-Parents and Teenagers.We have three of these using google forms – each with 8-10 questions – no response is right or wrong – since the idea of each question is to help you delve into deeper self reflection.

  • Learning is living

    Where the learning is without boundaries, the living happens without fear. When living is free of pre conceived notions, learning is abundant. We say learning and living are not separated from each other.

  • To Become Wealthy – Produce

    Doing helps to convert consumption to production. When we produce more , It leaves a wealth of not just tangible outcomes but many more intangible prosperity.

  • Understanding FEAR

    Unknown causes fear. Future is always unknown. In predicting future we feed mind with fear constantly.

  • Unsettle the minds – Thinking

    My idea of Education is to Unsettle the minds of young and inflame their intellect. Robert Maynard Hutchins After finishing my institutional education when I started my own organization I started looking for people to work with me. Over the period I realized people pursued knowledge too much. May be our education / societal structure…

  • Lock-down could mean Freedom

    Lockdown could be a freedom if we invite children to the party called Life. Celebrate and Co-create the life . After Covid-19 can we declare “Co-live 20”

  • Uncage Child’s Potential

    Can we change the potential of a child? Or we can facilitate the children to find their own peaks. Can we see a limitless child who can manifest his / her potential?

  • Learning is …

    Learning develops in pair – Clarity with confusion, creation with destruction ending with beginning, Because learning is never complete. It just opens new avenues to explore. In a way Learning is Unlearning.

  • Reflective Questions

    Reflection brings clarity. One of the way to reflect is to question. Let’s create our own question bank to reflect on various aspects. Ask question to oneself and to children. Have a conversation around such reflective questions with family and friends.

  • Facilitation by Creating

    To live is to create. Facilitation itself is an act of creation. Let’s explore creating some aspects of facilitation which can open kaleidoscope of possibilities for whom we facilitate and for ourselves.

  • Facilitation by Questioning

    The quest of learning results in questioning. Shall we stop questioning after seeking the answer or instead of seeking the answer ask more than obvious questions.

  • Facilitation by Reflecting

    Reflection is all about exploring ourselves , our perspectives and attributes, our actions and interactions. It enriches us with many insights which helps us to improve in all our endeavors.

  • Questioning 10th / 12th and college

    Board certificate and college degree or gaining skills out of one’s own interest? All are good as long as we walk any of these paths from the standpoint of freedom and awareness not by following a mandated path.

  • A little Philosophy with children

    Philosophy originates from from wondering, wandering and questioning. Not from seeking answers. Its is not slave of knowledge and procedure. May be children are best philosophers.

  • Purpose of Education

    We hear this about this fear “I am scared of children (who are in the alternate system) feeling they are superior to others …. “ We feel scared only when we are expecting a result in binary(0/1). Expectation feeds fear. Is education supposed to deliver on predefined outcomes like grades, 1st division etc.? If its…

  • An open letter to Teachers

    Teachers impact children’s life to a great extent. Does teaching happens from textbooks or from books of life. In that case are we all not the student in class of life? Let’s all the life in the same room of class.

  • Our Body is the key to our Mind

    With time and contemporary education the focus on body movements diminished yet the desire to make mind more productive increased by leaps and bounds. Are body and mind two separate entities or mind is part of the body?

  • My Intelligence

    Life does not operate in binary so we can not say some is intelligent or not. Based on our need and situation we understand and experience from different angle. These different angles are various intelligences.

  • Assessment

    How does life asses us? Does it even care how much marks we got in 10th standard. We are assessed by the skills we develop based on our interest, people skills and various life skills. Why to assess on academic subjects when life is much more than that.

  • Ulta Pulta Exam

    Aren’t you bored of creating same question paper year after year. Don’t you feel reading same answers 100th time is waste of time. Why don’t you have fun by conducting ulta pulta exam?

  • Learning Language

    Why do we need language – to read , to write or to communicate. Do we ever teach mother tongue formally? yet child learns it much before he / she goes to school. Should the language be taught or be learnt?

  • Curious Minds

    Curiosity is an integral part of learning. The learner can explore much more with an unending curiosity than the one whose curiosity is satiated by some standard answers. Keep curiosity alive and keep exploring.

  • My dream year at school

    Schools are designed in such a way that everything looks same except marks. We take this business of education too seriously. Child by nature is not serious so why not create Disneyland of school ?