Category: OpenLearning

  • Curious Minds

    Curiosity is an integral part of learning. The learner can explore much more with an unending curiosity than the one whose curiosity is satiated by some standard answers. Keep curiosity alive and keep exploring.

  • My dream year at school

    Schools are designed in such a way that everything looks same except marks. We take this business of education too seriously. Child by nature is not serious so why not create Disneyland of school ?

  • Questions to Grow and Glow

    Do answers lead to learning and awareness or question sparks thinking in that direction? Questions are important tool to bring awareness and to reflect. Here are some to help you and you can keep depositing in this bank.

  • Learning Language

    Any language can be learn if there is a need to know the language. Reading and writing happens by assimilation not by the milestone of age. As parents we can design the environment but that alone may not suffice if the child does not has the need to learn the language.

  • How Children Learn

    Concept of teaching encages learning. Exploring gives wings to learning. Compartmentalize learning into subjects makes it limited. Everything around us serves as vast landscape of learning.

  • Travel to Learn

    Travel is the biggest book to learn from. Here we learn from our own experience and also from other’s experience. It creates an enriching memory to be used for life time. Read how Aarohi children understand travel.

  • 25 Keys to Developing Success Skills and Values in Children

    Questioning helps thinking. Thinking leads to discovery. Question about self leads to self – discovery. Self awareness is the best formula for success.

  • Independent Learner

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a life time. Few years back I was reprimanded by my daughter’s teacher for not making my daughter learn her spellings for the dictation. Yes, I had seen the entry in her diary…