Category: Facilitation

  • Operating manual of your child

    Children are not the product which can be operated with the help of a manual. Yet children expect us to deal with them in a specific. Let’s explore what parenting manual will children give us.

  • I am my favorite

    Every role we play in child’s life as parent or teacher in the name of upbringing or education, they have those traits built in. The need is allow them to see these traits by themselves and create a life of their own.

  • Sex education beyond physical act

    Almost every household uses a code name for body parts which are covered. Body parts and sex education are not seen together. Once we break our own barriers around sex education we can enrich child with this important knowledge.

  • On gender bias

    We carry the legacy of gender based environment. We behave similarly based on similar beliefs. Instead of talking about gender based stuff , let’s create an ecosystem which enrich their thinking and experiences.

  • My dream year at school

    Schools are designed in such a way that everything looks same except marks. We take this business of education too seriously. Child by nature is not serious so why not create Disneyland of school ?

  • Reflection – Why and Hows

    Reflection is one of the best to tool to bring self awareness. Education is nothing but being self aware. Understand how reflection helps and how do we do it.

  • Questions to Grow and Glow

    Do answers lead to learning and awareness or question sparks thinking in that direction? Questions are important tool to bring awareness and to reflect. Here are some to help you and you can keep depositing in this bank.

  • Considering Concentartion

    Imposed concentration or joyful focus? If the work is attractive or it sparks the interest, children will cross usual concentration period of 20 min. If its enforced, one may not even wanting to do. Let’s be F-A-I-R to children.

  • Locus of control

    Mostly we grow and bring up our children with a notion that “We and our behavior are the outcome of our environment (people and circumstances). Pause and reflect what it would be to have the locus of control inside you not outside you

  • Right Brain

    Our education system stresses much on logical and analytical process which is originated from Left brain. Can we combine it with the randomness and intuitive approach of right brain? After all we teach inclusivity then why to leave right brain in lurch?

  • Whats in a name?

    We are accustomed of getting satisfied when we know the definition of something unknown. Introspect and we will find many examples from everyday life where we know without understanding of concepts. Is understanding more important than knowing?

  • Lovely Labels, Lousy Labels

    Our thoughts create our realities. Labels work same way. Have lousy thoughts, think lousy labels and create lousy children. Have lovely thoughts, think lovely labels and create magic. Choice is yours.

  • Freedom to think

    Teaching comes with responsibility. Responsibility of making children responsible for creating their learning or creating their limits of learning. We think freedom to learn is lucrative.

  • Five Values

    Values should guide us to grow as a person. They should not be taught to be more socially acceptable. Bigger question is can we really teach values? If at all we can teach values then what would they be?

  • Learning to See

    As we grow we limit our sense of kaleidoscopic vison. This vision helps us to wonder about everything we experience. It brings a deeper experience. Let’s explore S-P-A-C-E.

  • In Praise of Praise

    Praise is like anger – done at right time, in right amount and for right reasons create wonder. Shallow praise leaves a bitter taste. Be real “Praising – Worthy”

  • Can we teach Values? Some Myths

    Our action and child’s experience set a child to form an opinion of good and bad. Let’s empower the children to define their values for themselves based on their times.

  • The Myth of Rightness

    Rights and wrongs are relative terms not absolute. As an adult when we question absolute we call it out of box thinking. When a child does not confirms to absolute we label it wrong thinking.

  • Guidelines on choosing programs

    Consuming vacations in attending camps/ classes can be taxing for parents and child. Moreover getting enrolled for a wrong choice of camp can be overwhelming. Find out how to choose a suitable program.

  • Role Reversal

    Why we say “I will teach this to my child”. Why don’t we say “I will learn this from my child”. The changed mental state will create many interesting pattern to experience the child from a different lens.

  • The Myth of Patience

    We as parents carry the legacy many traits in the name of virtues (or virtual quality 😉 and expect the child to follow the same. Patience is no different. Does patience depends on our expectations from people or situations?

  • How Children Learn

    Concept of teaching encages learning. Exploring gives wings to learning. Compartmentalize learning into subjects makes it limited. Everything around us serves as vast landscape of learning.

  • This Vacation – Doing Nothing

    To do list are long and mostly not achievable in given time. Why not to have doing nothing list. Which will be empty. Let child fill this list with the way he wants, at least during the vacation 🙂

  • I am not your DREAM GIRL

    We have high expectation from the words like “Parenting”, childhood. We take them too seriously and it is biggest killjoy of relationship. Instead of dreaming about dream child can we see the dreams which child sees.

  • Create a self-directed learning environment

    Self-Directed learning provides a deep understanding of self. This connection with helps to live the life of a direction. Can we provide such environment to children which foster self directed learning?

  • Travel to Learn

    Travel is the biggest book to learn from. Here we learn from our own experience and also from other’s experience. It creates an enriching memory to be used for life time. Read how Aarohi children understand travel.

  • The Learning Energy – Creativity

    Can learning be imparted by others? Learning is a well inside, you dig and find your pot of gold. To dig one needs energy to do the work of digging. The passion and purpose of getting that gold pot will provide the energy. This is creative energy.

  • Lessons from my Father

    Why we need the term like parenting. Isn’t it natural that once we become parents, parenting becomes part of life. Then why so much stress around. Be what you are and create same environment, mindset for child is best parenting tip my father left for me.

  • Do you PLAY with your child?

    Play – one of the biggest source of learning. But why we need to associate everything with learning? Learning happens automatically. Just be the child with your child and experience the fun of being with children.

  • The Myths of Quality Time

    Parents conveniently define quality time as per their need. At times it is also exchanged with quantity. Quality time is intention oriented time spend with child not for the child.