Tag: Self and Social Intelligece

  • Freedom to Grow

    We cage ourselves in various images created by others. We believe those images are our identities. Do we comprise of few images for the life time or we become what we do. Doing brings freedom to grow.

  • The Love Story of Values and Rules

    Rules and Values have their love story to share. They are inseparable. Let’s all interpret this love story individually. Rules do not limit us, they actually let us spend time to focus on things that we really value.

  • HEROism

    Outside the silver screen Hero comes in every form, size and shape because a little hero exist inside all of us. Focus your camera to make life as a heroic act of living.

  • Assessment

    How does life asses us? Does it even care how much marks we got in 10th standard. We are assessed by the skills we develop based on our interest, people skills and various life skills. Why to assess on academic subjects when life is much more than that.

  • Who am I?

    We parents take our role of being child’s driver to seriously . Instead we just create the spark and let children create that fire the way they want. Most fun (un)parenting is being a mirror for the child.

  • Express not Impress

    True connection is honest communication not by creating a faΓ§ade. Express so that children feel their importance in the family. Don’t seclude them from your being human.

  • What is Sex

    We are more curious to know about things which are not talked openly or not visible. The word “Sex” is no different. Our dilemma, fears and beliefs add more to child’s confusion. Explore how can we break this taboo.

  • I am my favorite

    Every role we play in child’s life as parent or teacher in the name of upbringing or education, they have those traits built in. The need is allow them to see these traits by themselves and create a life of their own.

  • The Learning Journey of Child abuse

    Adults play an active role in educating child about sexual abuses. Instead of shying away, sensitize and empower them. Be part of this education which will protect children from such abuses.

  • Five Values

    Values should guide us to grow as a person. They should not be taught to be more socially acceptable. Bigger question is can we really teach values? If at all we can teach values then what would they be?

  • Lovely Labels, Lousy Labels

    Our thoughts create our realities. Labels work same way. Have lousy thoughts, think lousy labels and create lousy children. Have lovely thoughts, think lovely labels and create magic. Choice is yours.

  • Locus of control

    Mostly we grow and bring up our children with a notion that “We and our behavior are the outcome of our environment (people and circumstances). Pause and reflect what it would be to have the locus of control inside you not outside you

  • Can we teach Values? Some Myths

    Our action and child’s experience set a child to form an opinion of good and bad. Let’s empower the children to define their values for themselves based on their times.

  • Hitting

    Managing behavior does not solve the root cause. Hitting may be helping child to fulfill some need. Understand it and guide them to explore more pathways.

  • Teasing

    Every emotions serves some needs. Teasing is no different. Empower children to understand it from problem solving perspective. Help them to explore various solutions.

  • The Myth of Patience

    We as parents carry the legacy many traits in the name of virtues (or virtual quality πŸ˜‰ and expect the child to follow the same. Patience is no different. Does patience depends on our expectations from people or situations?

  • This Vacation – Doing Nothing

    To do list are long and mostly not achievable in given time. Why not to have doing nothing list. Which will be empty. Let child fill this list with the way he wants, at least during the vacation πŸ™‚

  • I am not your DREAM GIRL

    We have high expectation from the words like “Parenting”, childhood. We take them too seriously and it is biggest killjoy of relationship. Instead of dreaming about dream child can we see the dreams which child sees.

  • Alternatives to Rewards and Punishments

    Rewards and Punishments are two sides of same coin. Both work on extrinsic control. Shall we control the child by the means of rewards and punishments or shall we sensitize the child to have better intrinsic controls.

  • Help by Not Helping

    Unwarranted help may create resource handicapped children. The power of struggle will plant the seeds of independent problem solving.

  • Affirmation

    Affirmations, positive or negative , if repeated over time becomes the part of belief system. Lets create affirmations which help the child to see his own potential.

  • Every Bad news is a Good news

    Good stems from bad. Goodness does not have any meaning without tasting the bad. Parents can celebrate all their worries of bad behavior of children. This is an opportunity to create good.

  • 25 Keys to Developing Success Skills and Values in Children

    Questioning helps thinking. Thinking leads to discovery. Question about self leads to self – discovery. Self awareness is the best formula for success.

  • Value Education

    Values help in travelling the journey of life. We don’t develop them automatically but through experience and observation. Child is not different. Let’s coach the child to set his compass.

  • A Moral Story

    Values help in travelling the journey of life. We don’t develop them automatically but through experience and observation. Child is not different. Let’s coach the child to set his compass.

  • Myth called Child

    What is the difference between an adult and a child other than age and age related body differences. Mentally and emotionally we all are as same or different as we want to be. See the magic when we treat children as fellow being.

  • My β€˜SELF’ Intelligence

    In school or in home all a child wants is to be treated as an individual by accepting his beliefs and ways of learning. He needs space to grow with his own pace and in his own style.

  • Teaching children Interdependence

    Independence or interdependence? Can we ever make child independent when we all exist because of interdependence. Instead let’s all celebrate interdependence and enjoy the abundance it brings.

  • We the people

    We the people live mostly with cooperation. Society builds up upon interdependence not on competitiveness. Expose children to such cooperative activities by creating a classroom like that. Invite children to run this nation of classroom.

  • Alternatives to Punishment – Part 2

    Power struggle happens when there unequal distribution of power between two parties. Empowering children means giving them enough power to reduce the situation of conflict. Let’s explore how do we do that.