Category: Blogs

  • Understand Technology

    Android, Server, Email, Face book, Ipad….these are some of the common vocabulary our kids are exposed to. But what does that means? Anup who was travelling with kids in the train to reach campus, heard kids discussing about them vehemently. Anup announced a session to understand technology. Some were confused (they have been talking so…

  • What is inside?

    If you have a microwave which is not working, what you do? Open it, See it from inside, share with others and find more about it….no need to reassemble, use the parts in many different ways or just let them be like to wonder ‘what is inside?”

  • First aid

    First aid is often left to hospitals and we are left with panic and feeling helpless in case of any emergency. At Aarohi, we consider this as a basic skill, almost as important as knowing basic ability of reading and writing.Each week we spend time in knowing about first aid and various medical emergency. Rubal,…

  • Manthan and Community

    Manthan at Aarohi is another opportunity to get together and live together as a large community. Thank you all who could make for Manthan and play Kabbadi and of course added value to growth of Aarohi with your presence. Add your thougths, if anything is missed out Here are some snippets Aarohi review team tried…

  • Designing own Forest

    We have been designing many things at campus, why not our own spaces and why not our own FOREST? Samiksha the session on designing space with this thought.It began with knowing our own place and questioning what do we have and what we do not have?” It was about understanding our own space, the place…

  • Thread and Games

    ALL members in the group -Tie a piece of string to their own waist,The other end of ALL the stings is tied to a pencil.Now together (with handsfoldedbehind – so that we don’t use them) – we try to put this pencil inside the bottle SIMPLE! Do it in a group and discover the joy…

  • Mapping

    Often we use things but are not able to connect with them or not know what goes behind them And in the process many times we also distant ourselves with many things assuming ‘we cannot do this’.Santosh shared his love of mapping and willingness to share with kids. When he came to campus, we had…

  • Caricature and Exeggeration

    Saurabh joined to share his passion of sketching, He arrived to the campus by cycle and that was enough for us to get interested in knowing his cycle journey. And then began sketching session, it was not only sketching but was also about ‘exaggerated sketching; and we got introduced to ‘caricatures’. We see caricatures, we…

  • Cold Press Mill

    Visit to cold pressed oil mill. We saw different machines used at mill – one for coconut oil, one for cooking oils, one for making powder from seeds. We saw the process of making coconut oil and making shikakai powder from seeds. They also shared that waste generated from coconut is sold for cattle and…

  • Innovation and Inspiration

    People who visit Aarohi from few hours to few days/ months, inspire us deeply. We simply learn from people. Some of the kids who are into automobiles and speed and race and road travel were enthralled when Ashir shared about his jeep which he has modified to travel long distance. Some of us who are…

  • Alabhya at Campus

    Alabhya Singh, visited campus and mesmerized us with his yogic posture, his life style and his thoughts. He follows sun calendar, he eat two meals, he does not use artificial light (so what it is from solar), he understand his own body cycle. When he works he works, when he talks he talks 🙂 Apart…

  • Akka day

    Akka expressed “today It was too much work”. The community sat to create a comfortable space for Akkaa. Next day was announced as ‘Aaka day”. We cancelled our field trip, and all just worked for two extra hours to do all our chores for which we we depend on Akkas. Akkas were pleasantly surprised and…

  • Fidgity

    He told me, “I am fidgety”. I said, “I bet you are not” He said, “I am different, my brain wiring is different station and its not straight”. I said, “I bet its different for all and straight for anyone”. He said, “I cannot sit in a place”. I said, “I bet you are sitting…

  • Adoption

    One child celebrated his home coming b’day at home. This was a new reason for many to cerebrate, so the curiosity was high “what is home coming b’day?” This child decided to share his adoption journey with all other peers. He designed a session 🙂 He began with asking us “what is adoption?” Then he…

  • Learning Journey

    They have been making movie for last two years. They make and again make and reject and fail and make again. They plan and shoot, they imagine and shoot, they visualize and shoot, They search for locations, they look for props, they shoot and again reject it, They shoot the movie, edit it, fail in…

  • Listening & Expressing

    This session started with trying to listen to any sound that we hear…Initially there was some sound in the class…. Slowly they became silent and started to hear sounds of people and things outside… Then we started an activity of drawing what they listen… I was dictating a few simple things like lines, circles, curves,…

  • Child volunteered to teach dance in Govt School

    One child was working on various activities like painting, crafts, paper Mache, dancing, makeup. She found her passion towards dancing. She practiced dance every day after lunch. At times practiced dance alone and at times with friends. She wanted to teach dance and so volunteered to teach dance to government school children. She prepared dance…

  • Synthetic ball making

    This session was interesting, one child from Aarohi joined to demonstrate making of a synthetic ball using glue and borax. The session began with introduction. Each child introduced themselves with an animal action mentioning their name and something that they like to do or dream about. Then a music was played and kids danced with…

  • Problem solving

    This session is to explore problems and how feelings change at different times. Started with the word ‘PROBLEM.’ Many kids shared their explanations and examples of problems. Then introduced them to a Problem meter where they rate their problem from 1 to 10 using a paper needle. They also drew how they would feel at…

  • Uni Cycle – Unique Learning

    Learning from this project is not to learn about electronics…….physics and mathematics but “how not to give up”. Nihar, who is 12 yrs old, is also one of our resource person at Aarohi. He shared his learning of making uni cycle and his journey. He shared ‘every time any circuit blew off, I learned a…

  • Competition and Coopeartion

    We play sports, no matter how much we (Adult) not like competition, kids bring their own spirit of competition. Football is played with pure competitive spirit. When one makes goal, other one sulk, when one team wins they celebrate and other cry….we see hatred, competition, jealousy and all other emotions.While we not stop any of…

  • Wi Fi

    We use Wifi..almost a life line for our learning. But when it is not working, Ratnesh was our life line each one of us would go to him and ask to do something about it’.We realized that while we all use internet, we barely know about its functioning. One of the child took this in…

  • No means NO

    Often no means nothing or means many things but no. Kids expressed that inspite of saying no, others would continue….teasing, repeating, name calling, disturbing (actions).Well, the helpmates came up with the root problem “we actually do not take “no” so seriously. One poster was made and displayed prominently “no mean no”. We still don’t take…

  • Inspirations

    Visit to Hasmukh farm was inspiring for some of the kids to start working with Bamboo. They saw tool stand at his farm and tried making brush stand at campus. Drill machine, safety goggles, adult supervision and get set go!!! One child is very innovative with paper work, keeps reproducing different models in paper –…

  • Drip in Urinal

    Two months back we made an open air urinal – specially to use the urine as fertilized-water for trees. Now the question was how to get it ALL the tree saplings most effectively. Bruno – our plumber man from France – thought that Drip irrigation would be perfect. A trip to local market, some innovation,…

  • Solar water heater

    Bruno from France, calls himself a plumber with pride. He was at the campus to make a solar water heater. few kids joined him and it was done in a day, including work in the moonlight.What appeared to be done in a day, took a month’s groundwork. Bruno contacted Aarohi when I read that we…

  • Sickness

    Small hurts, scratches, throat pains, cough, cold, light fever, and light headaches are part of our living at the campus. We all get sick or get hurt, and that becomes a learning opportunity to connect with our bodies. Whenever someone is feeling sick, Or campus medic (child on job) first collects the data – when…

  • Telescope

    We wished for a Telescope. We asked people to contribute. Our wishes were fulfilled by Asher-Simi, Kanchan, Mini, Navdeep, Nimmi, Poornima, Rajani, Rohini, Rupa, Sangitha, Sonal, and Srikanth. We ordered the Telescope – Skywatches added a bonus of free delivery just for Aarohi. On Thursday (18th feb16) children assembled it. Then these excited children got…

  • Fitness Plan – 3 days a week

    Fitness Routine Warm up -10 minutes – any music any dance 2 times Tabata workout – 10 minutes, squats, hop and back, push up, mountain walk, plank walk, crunches, fish out of water Surya Namaskaer- 4-5 rounds Relaxation – 10 minutes (start with chanting a, u, aa and then relaxing each part of the body).…

  • Pongal! Pongal!

    Every year Sankranti or Pongal comes at Aarohi O-campus to bring joy. The celebration creates space for all – to play, to cook, to decorate, to play music, to sing, to eat and laugh together. Priyanka and family joined us to add magic with their music. While we explored some simple musical instruments from Rajasthan,…