Watch the video to see how learning happens -OBSERVING, TRYING and ENJOYING
This child (1.5 years) was at campus for a week, she would go around, observe people and do things on her own. She would reach out to her mother as and when she wanted comfort.
She is no exception, watch each child to learn how learning happens.I asked few kids “how do you learn?”
This is what they shared
Child 1 – By doing, asking people (while chit chatting), failing, talking (describing), experimenting, thinking, visualizing, observing, reading books, researching from internet, let go and visiting places.
Child 2 – By practicing, watching videos, talking (describing), books, internet, doing, teaching others, visiting places (get ideas), helping others, doing it in different ways (fun).
Child 3 – By seeing videos, Make, share (describe), books, people, observing, asking others, thinking, repeat. doing, visiting places, teaching (when I learn fully).
Child 4 – By reading, books, internet, videos. people (listening, observing, working, learning, asking), questioning, doing, experimenting, reflecting, experiencing, visiting places, being with something.
Child 5 – By exploring, books, Internet, people (asking, observing, listening), observing, doing, video, visiting places, failing, doing in different ways.
Child 6 – By asking questions from others, clarifying, reading, correcting my self, taking feedback, visualizing, visiting places, meeting people, repeating, remembering, teaching, practicing, experimenting, failing, doing it again, doing it in different ways.
Child 7 – By Dreaming, reading, questioning, thinking, asking more questions, making, visiting different places, watch video (little learn), seeing books (learn more).
I asked myself “How do I learn?” And I realized it is no different than what kids shared – the list include – Watching videos, asking, observing reflecting, doing, practicing, from people, teaching, helping, trying, experimenting, failing, practicing, visualizing, ask feedback, debating, doing it in different ways, exploring, let go.
Just wondering why not learn what and how we naturally learn?