Week began with many promises, many opportunities to work and get indulged into.
Laura and Phil visiting from Canada, Phil is videographer and wanted to make movie on community, Laura is primary school teacher and into music, wanted to make music with kids (may be a song).
Various project were lined up- Starting with wattle and Daub construction to make dry Toilet walls. Thursday was learning mela in basic skills. Started theater sessions on playback theater. Installing basket ball stand (thanks to Navin and Sirisha for this gift). Some worked on advance skills of Origami. Apart from this we continued to work on previous projects like brush stand, Telescope, Solar water repair, Donation box, Bathroom wall writing and Tipity Tap.
In basic skills we explored Multiplication, division, tables, cooking, comprehension, reading, writing in different styles, business studies, cursive writing, different types of stories, spellings and vocabulary.
Dhanya joined us for running session – she took us through warm up, running and cooling down. She shared about food and various training aspects related to running. Cooking fish with her was added attraction of the week.
Visit to to river was disappointing but brought a question in our lives. Sewage of city of Bangalore is directed to this river :(, it was unbearable to stand and feel of the water was unhygienic. Kids came with furious minds ‘why to make our rivers dirty”? They felt they would have enjoyed playing in river rather than smelling that stink.