Category: UnParenting

  • Help by Not Helping

    Unwarranted help may create resource handicapped children. The power of struggle will plant the seeds of independent problem solving.

  • Excellence is a Habit

    Repetition creates the habit loop, then why not repeat the traits which are needed to live a good life. Stimulate children to build these traits. To know how, read on.

  • Every Bad news is a Good news

    Good stems from bad. Goodness does not have any meaning without tasting the bad. Parents can celebrate all their worries of bad behavior of children. This is an opportunity to create good.

  • Letting Grow

    Any growth is a change. Children also go through this change in various ways not just age. Question is are we growing as parents?

  • Letting Succeed

    Success is made of two things – one, to find what is one’s strength . Two, to strengthen those strengths continuously.

  • Value Education

    Values help in travelling the journey of life. We don’t develop them automatically but through experience and observation. Child is not different. Let’s coach the child to set his compass.

  • Myth called Child

    What is the difference between an adult and a child other than age and age related body differences. Mentally and emotionally we all are as same or different as we want to be. See the magic when we treat children as fellow being.

  • Play by Rupesh

    Play in itself is the biggest source of learning and to develop thinking. Let’s not curtail play in the name of academics nor shall we interrupt the play by imposing our ideas about play .

  • My ‘SELF’ Intelligence

    In school or in home all a child wants is to be treated as an individual by accepting his beliefs and ways of learning. He needs space to grow with his own pace and in his own style.

  • Teaching children Interdependence

    Independence or interdependence? Can we ever make child independent when we all exist because of interdependence. Instead let’s all celebrate interdependence and enjoy the abundance it brings.

  • Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless

    Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless

    What is the Job of us parents? It is all about enjoying them creating his or her life?

  • We the people

    We the people live mostly with cooperation. Society builds up upon interdependence not on competitiveness. Expose children to such cooperative activities by creating a classroom like that. Invite children to run this nation of classroom.

  • Learning dhik chik dha

    Music is not just for party and outings. Music is rhythm of life. Music is around us in various forms. Read on to know how music can be integral part of our environment and what impact it has.

  • Alternatives to Punishment – Part 1

    It is not possible to have an effective learning without making mistakes. Child does same. They learn and develop the understanding of the world through mistakes. Shall mistakes be punished or be handled in such a way that provides and opportunity to learn better?

  • Sex Education Resources

    It is rewarding for parents and children to have a transparent channel of communication regarding sex education. Here are some resources we found useful.

  • Writing Wish

    Written words leave more impact than verbal. Writing wishes of children brings certain assurance to them. Explore if you would like play with this mighty tool.

  • Alternatives to Punishment – Part 2

    Power struggle happens when there unequal distribution of power between two parties. Empowering children means giving them enough power to reduce the situation of conflict. Let’s explore how do we do that.

  • What all can I learn from my 4 yr old son

    Learn various ways of having fun and exploration from none other than a 4 year old.