Learn various ways of having fun and exploration from none other than a 4 year old.

What all can I learn from my 4 yr old son : (shared by Aparna)
1. Languages- His way of speaking Hindi and English
2. Cleaning the tongue with the tongue cleaner( you hold the tongue cleaner right but it should not touch the tongue and do the action of taking it in and out)
3. Mouth spray game- fill water in the mouth and spray it on your friend or whoever comes across.( of course escape before they shoot words)
4. Scream or sing on top of your voice when doing potty.
5. Experiment: fill water in a bottle and put bits of paper and leaves and threads etc and keep it in the fridge for days together…fill another bottle with water and papers ,leaves etc and keep it in the room temperature for days together till it stinks. and then separate the matters inside the bottle with hand.
6. Wear a red pair of sunglasses with a yellow cap , a green shirt with a blue shorts and pink socks.( what a combination!)
7. Enjoy nose digging for hours together.
8. Enjoy eating mangoes and no washing the mouth after that.
9. Write your name( the letters) upside down.
And many more. How creative. 🙂 🙂 🙂 I have started off with the 1st , 8th and 9th lesson. I am thoroughly enjoying his classes. 🙂