
Don't divide knowledge in subjects

Divided by Subjects, United by Knowledge

Can we break our knowledge into subjects? What happens when we imbibe the knowledge without these boundaries? Let’s explore

Learning with Exposure Exploration and Collaboration

Exposure-Exploration-Collaboration – Ikigai of Learning

Exposure sparks curiosity, and what ignites our interest becomes the fuel for exploration. Collaboration shapes and aligns the exploration to our learning goals.

The gift of "I don't know"

The gift of “I don’t know”

Children readily accept both knowing and not knowing. We, on the other hand, often prioritize knowing above all else. Yet, in this intricate world, the unknown is what truly fuels the joy of living. The uncertainty of not knowing empowers us to ask questions and challenge our existing beliefs. Why is it so difficult for many of us to simply say “I don’t know”?

My Learning , My Milestones

Milestones in Open Learning

Are you a traveler or a tourist? A tourist goes by checking the milestones while a traveler creates his milestones. Open Learning is all about being the traveler of your learning journey.

Open Learning and Explorations

Algorithm for child’s exploration in an Open Learning Environment

Open Learning is all about multiple explorations. Learning stems from the joyful explorations not from a parent’s agenda to make child learn. Explore how parents can expand the horizon of exploration.

un-parenting Child is not a canvas child is all colours

Parenting or Un-Parenting

Some parents asks us what does Un in UnParenting stand for?Un has two parts to it. Part 1 – Un stands for Understanding the child.In most cases we, parents and teachers, DO NOT understand the child!Surprised? Disagree!You see, we know an awful lot about the child, but we do not understand the child. This knowing […]

children can walk through walls

Children too can walk through walls

Today at Aarohi Campus, a 9 year old girl who was sitting outside our kitchen wall, asked me for water.I promptly told her that if she wants water she can walk east and she will soon reach Bay of Bengal and get lots of free water.She looked at the direction (east) where my finger was […]

Create curriculum 1

CAT – Life’s curriculum

When it comes to educating our children, “curriculum” is normally the first question that comes to people’s mind. We try to figure out between NIOS or CBSE or ICSE or IGCSE or … let the child learn from life. Often LIFE CURRICULUM is not so clear and many fall back to conventional academic curriculum. Here […]

An Ode to Home

A Home is filled with endless opportunities to explore , experiment and grow. Living is messy and so is learning. Here is an Ode to the best institution of life.

Stop Teaching to Activate Learning

Let’s stop being Teachers to Start learning for Children. Our job is not to teach or preach but to reach.

Learning is living

Where the learning is without boundaries, the living happens without fear. When living is free of pre conceived notions, learning is abundant. We say learning and living are not separated from each other.

To Become Wealthy – Produce

Doing helps to convert consumption to production. When we produce more , It leaves a wealth of not just tangible outcomes but many more intangible prosperity.

What matters

What matters the most for an child? Is it Home or Educational Institutes or Society? None. What matters is “The Child”. Let the child become the institution of his life, let him lead and let him learn.

Understanding FEAR

Unknown causes fear. Future is always unknown. In predicting future we feed mind with fear constantly.

Unsettle the minds – Thinking

My idea of Education is to Unsettle the minds of young and inflame their intellect. Robert Maynard Hutchins After finishing my institutional education when I started my own organization I started looking for people to work with me. Over the period I realized people pursued knowledge too much. May be our education / societal structure […]

Homeschooling journey – by Sharmila

Being part of a journey is more important than destination. If journey is joyous and satisfactory with all its ups and down , the destination may not be very different from it.

Free Play and Confidence

I was sitting in the children’s park, watching my child tumble over the various play equipment. I was also watching three 5-6 yrs old girls pretend-play a family-family game. That’s when I overheard the conversation between these girls’ mothers: “I want to put her in a painting class”“I want a handwriting class, you know any?”“No […]

Teach your child how NOT to lie

Which type of Adult you are – Supportive Truth Coach or Finding Lie Referee? It is not about “how not to tell Lie” but about “how to tell Truth”. How Do you provide T-R-U-T-H facilitation?

Teach your child how to Lie

Do children Lie or they justify at that moment? If there is nobody to Lie to or no reason to Lie to – Where will be the need to Lie?

Bad Company

Universe gives us an opportunity to understand life by exposing us to the company of “The good, The bad and The Ugly”. Let’s take the bulls of Bad and Ugly by horns.

Myth of Teaching Grammar

Understanding learning through Grammar usage. Using Grammar to explore a potentially bigger, and deeper myth about learning. We use grammar as a crutch to dig into this yet unnamed myth.