Tag: Facilitation

  • To Know or To Understand

    Knowing is mechanical. The result is out there once you know. But Understanding is a journey. More you flow, the more you will connect with and more the relationship will deepen. Soe of us know a lot. Some of us constantly yearn to understand the child.

  • Schools that Train Themselves

    Why schools are mechanical places of mundane activities conducted broadly by staff and teachers. It can be a buzzing learning habitat for everyone who is associated with school in smallest possible way. Such collaboration will lead to wider learnings for everyone.

  • Ulta Pulta Exam

    Aren’t you bored of creating same question paper year after year. Don’t you feel reading same answers 100th time is waste of time. Why don’t you have fun by conducting ulta pulta exam?

  • Who am I?

    We parents take our role of being child’s driver to seriously . Instead we just create the spark and let children create that fire the way they want. Most fun (un)parenting is being a mirror for the child.

  • 10 Mistakes in Education

    Do our schools really impart an education which will create an individual or they believe in herd mentality. Also as parent what are our beliefs about education. Here we question some beliefs.

  • Unlearning Time

    How about scoring some marks to unlearn all the rules of parenting or teaching? Shed all such beliefs and experience the magic of child weaving his or her own life.

  • Learning from the humble ‘DIYA’

    Have we qualified to be a parent? Well it is a life skill. Like any other life skill one needs to keep on unlearning and relearning the parenting. Learn the art of understanding and enlighten your child’s life like a Diya.

  • Questions to Grow and Glow

    Do answers lead to learning and awareness or question sparks thinking in that direction? Questions are important tool to bring awareness and to reflect. Here are some to help you and you can keep depositing in this bank.

  • Operating manual of your child

    Children are not the product which can be operated with the help of a manual. Yet children expect us to deal with them in a specific. Let’s explore what parenting manual will children give us.

  • Freedom to think

    Teaching comes with responsibility. Responsibility of making children responsible for creating their learning or creating their limits of learning. We think freedom to learn is lucrative.

  • Learning to See

    As we grow we limit our sense of kaleidoscopic vison. This vision helps us to wonder about everything we experience. It brings a deeper experience. Let’s explore S-P-A-C-E.

  • Five Values

    Values should guide us to grow as a person. They should not be taught to be more socially acceptable. Bigger question is can we really teach values? If at all we can teach values then what would they be?

  • Considering Concentartion

    Imposed concentration or joyful focus? If the work is attractive or it sparks the interest, children will cross usual concentration period of 20 min. If its enforced, one may not even wanting to do. Let’s be F-A-I-R to children.

  • Hitting

    Managing behavior does not solve the root cause. Hitting may be helping child to fulfill some need. Understand it and guide them to explore more pathways.

  • Role Reversal

    Why we say “I will teach this to my child”. Why don’t we say “I will learn this from my child”. The changed mental state will create many interesting pattern to experience the child from a different lens.

  • How Children Learn

    Concept of teaching encages learning. Exploring gives wings to learning. Compartmentalize learning into subjects makes it limited. Everything around us serves as vast landscape of learning.

  • Letting Grow

    Any growth is a change. Children also go through this change in various ways not just age. Question is are we growing as parents?

  • Letting Succeed

    Success is made of two things – one, to find what is one’s strength . Two, to strengthen those strengths continuously.

  • Value Education

    Values help in travelling the journey of life. We don’t develop them automatically but through experience and observation. Child is not different. Let’s coach the child to set his compass.

  • A Moral Story

    Values help in travelling the journey of life. We don’t develop them automatically but through experience and observation. Child is not different. Let’s coach the child to set his compass.

  • Myth called Child

    What is the difference between an adult and a child other than age and age related body differences. Mentally and emotionally we all are as same or different as we want to be. See the magic when we treat children as fellow being.

  • My ‘SELF’ Intelligence

    In school or in home all a child wants is to be treated as an individual by accepting his beliefs and ways of learning. He needs space to grow with his own pace and in his own style.

  • The myth called learning

    Do we want children to learn? Is it our need or their need? Do we want children to learn or do we want to teach? Does learning happens only when someone teaches? Here is learning myth buster.

  • Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless

    Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless

    What is the Job of us parents? It is all about enjoying them creating his or her life?

  • Learning dhik chik dha

    Music is not just for party and outings. Music is rhythm of life. Music is around us in various forms. Read on to know how music can be integral part of our environment and what impact it has.

  • We the people

    We the people live mostly with cooperation. Society builds up upon interdependence not on competitiveness. Expose children to such cooperative activities by creating a classroom like that. Invite children to run this nation of classroom.

  • Alternatives to Punishment – Part 1

    It is not possible to have an effective learning without making mistakes. Child does same. They learn and develop the understanding of the world through mistakes. Shall mistakes be punished or be handled in such a way that provides and opportunity to learn better?