We’ve dreamed that our requirement of 25L will be soon fulfilled by 500 families contributing ₹5000/- each.
Contributions received till date in ₹:
So, you can transfer ₹5000/- or in multiples: 10k, 15k, 20k, or any other amount.
Use QR code or UPI: aarohilife@upi
Please fill the donation form after the transfer:

Together let’s build CoVersity
Coversity needs your Contribution to
1: Build CoVersity
For youth to lead one’s professional journey as per their design and aspirations, we create a robust, practical and supportive CoVersity which empowers them to accomplish their professional goals.
2: Spread awareness of CoVersity
Reach parents and youth across all sections of Society who are looking for options outside the conventional system to chart their own professional journey.
3: Facilitate formation of many CoVersities across India
Startup Kit for any organization or group to start their own CoVersity. Kit would contain detailed frameworks, processes, tools, working, training, and experiential meet-ups.
Note: We envision Aarohi CoVersity to be operationally self-sustainable and hence funding at this point is primarily for above three objectives.
CoVersity Vision:
Youth (from all sections of society) discovering their passions and leading their professional journey
CoVersity Mission – five years:
In 5 years create a self sustaining model of Coversity journey where Youth-Cohorts meet their professional goals by doing industry work in their chosen domains
Over the last 15 years, led by Aditi & Ratnesh, Aarohi Trust has been built by and for hundreds of families, for all children & youth from all strata of our society.

At Aarohi we’re super inspired
by several youth
who are leading and creating their professional journey.
Hence, Aarohi is now offering
this empowering option called Coversity for youth
to lead their life.
You see It’s wonderful how the world today (and tomorrow) offers an abundance of opportunities for youth to pursue what they really like doing.
Even better is that they love to learn from real challenges of the world, develop skills that matter and they’re eager to do work that gives them a deep sense of accomplishment and joy.
Add also the trend that Organisations and professionals today recognise youth’s fresh energy and love to share not just expertise but responsibilities with them to create value for the world.

Coversity is for youth (13-21 years) to lead their professional journey by discovering their interests by deep diving in their chosen domains.
In Coversity, youth engage in real industry work while interacting with clients and experts to develop domain expertise.
They co-create this journey as a cohort, co-facilitating each other along with the support of guides and community.
Coversity Strategic Plan
Issues in current options for youth and their Professional journey and hence Opportunities that are begging to be offered:

Each Passion is our vision and each Journey our mission and each Youth our Value:

Mission Plan – Five years