Category: UnParenting

  • How does my child manage my learning inability?

    How does my child manage my learning inability?

    Our Open Learning journey is full of fun, surprises, and challenges. My biggest challenge as a parent is dealing with my internal conflict. It is like walking on a forked path always. One path leads to the safe environment of the “known” and family/friends. Another path is traversing a beautiful “unknown”. My mood for the…

  • Parenting or Un-Parenting

    Parenting or Un-Parenting

    Some parents asks us what does Un in UnParenting stand for?Un has two parts to it. Part 1 – Un stands for Understanding the child.In most cases we, parents and teachers, DO NOT understand the child!Surprised? Disagree!You see, we know an awful lot about the child, but we do not understand the child. This knowing…

  • Parenting

    Obviously you are glad that you did not get any such manual. What fun would be parenting, or for that matter life, if we knew exactly what to do when the child drops his saliva into his milk to check out how the taste will change or when your teen wants to shave her head…

  • Reflective Insightful Quizzes

    Reflective & Insightful Quizzes for Parents, Teen-Parents and Teenagers.We have three of these using google forms – each with 8-10 questions – no response is right or wrong – since the idea of each question is to help you delve into deeper self reflection.

  • Teach your child how to Lie

    Do children Lie or they justify at that moment? If there is nobody to Lie to or no reason to Lie to – Where will be the need to Lie?

  • Teach your child how NOT to lie

    Which type of Adult you are – Supportive Truth Coach or Finding Lie Referee? It is not about “how not to tell Lie” but about “how to tell Truth”. How Do you provide T-R-U-T-H facilitation?

  • Bad Company

    Universe gives us an opportunity to understand life by exposing us to the company of “The good, The bad and The Ugly”. Let’s take the bulls of Bad and Ugly by horns.

  • Best way to teach

    Is there any one best way to live life? If no then can there be one best way to teach. Children are dynamic and they need dynamic facilitation. Breadth of facilitation will provide depth to understand a child.

  • See no evil, hear no evil and say no evil

    Parents believe see-hear-say no evil” is best but child does see-hear-say evil. May be better option would be “think no evil”. Help child to decide what is good and evil and develop his own inside shield.

  • Fear – Hug it, Kiss it!

    Emotions are neither good nor bad. They are not limiting rather they signal our inner state. How about embracing fear with an understanding.

  • Soiled by Adjectives

    A verb implies action thus adds to the experience of a doer. An adjective implies perception. it may or may not be right. Create a limitless living of experience or create a prison of adjectives – Decide.

  • Kids follow parents?

    Parents are not the only influencers in child’s life. They are a part of child’s surroundings. Shall we pay attention to “Will child follow me” or shall we facilitate an environment of exploration.

  • Missed the Flight? Catch the Train

    Fly off the handle – so what? Let’s hop on to the train of reflection from the station of guilt. This slow journey will give ample time to shave better understanding of self.

  • Thumb Sucking or Resourcefulness

    Some of the habits (in the form of physical actions) serves the purpose of anchoring. These actions help us to calm down in troubled waters. Children are no different. Thumb sucking is one such habit.

  • The Myth of (bad) Habits

    Each habit serve some purpose. Good or bad habits are relative perceptions. More often parents and children lock horn on habits because of this relative perception. Let’s question some of our beliefs around bad habit and burst the myth around bad habits.

  • Fundamental of Disciplining – Respect

    Hierarchies create a social divide. Families are no different. Treat children at par. See them as fellow human being and interact with them with same respect as you would to any other adult and experience the magic.

  • How do I Get My Child to Comply?

    Is it sometimes difficult getting your child to do what you want him or her to do? Do you often get exasperated over compliance? Did you wish you had some magic wand to get your child to follow you? Here is a piece of insight.

  • Are all Feelings Okay?

    Can the sea decide what should be the height of tide or how forceful it is. similarly feelings arise and ebb naturally. Important is during those tide we sail with child to connect and provide an anchor of understanding.

  • An open letter to Teachers

    Teachers impact children’s life to a great extent. Does teaching happens from textbooks or from books of life. In that case are we all not the student in class of life? Let’s all the life in the same room of class.

  • Myth of the misbehaved child

    Are the behavior and character same? Does a misbehave make me a bad person? All of us are work in progress so why to bother child for their misbehavior. Rather give them the gift of understanding and help them to flourish.

  • Acceptance Frames

    Does a bad behavior indicates bad intention? No, it does not. Behind any behavior the intention is always good. Focus on change of specific action will be fruitful than judging the intention. Accept intentions and guide for actions.

  • Freedom to Grow

    We cage ourselves in various images created by others. We believe those images are our identities. Do we comprise of few images for the life time or we become what we do. Doing brings freedom to grow.

  • To Know or To Understand

    Knowing is mechanical. The result is out there once you know. But Understanding is a journey. More you flow, the more you will connect with and more the relationship will deepen. Soe of us know a lot. Some of us constantly yearn to understand the child.

  • A map of Habits of mind

    A great deal of success depends on Habits of mind not on the academics alone. Explore various Habits of mind. Experience each day living with one habit and see how it impacts you and child.

  • The Love Story of Values and Rules

    Rules and Values have their love story to share. They are inseparable. Let’s all interpret this love story individually. Rules do not limit us, they actually let us spend time to focus on things that we really value.

  • Raising Wealthy Children

    Brain is a lazy slave. Create habit of mind to produce more than consumption and earn a rich learning.

  • Who am I?

    We parents take our role of being child’s driver to seriously . Instead we just create the spark and let children create that fire the way they want. Most fun (un)parenting is being a mirror for the child.

  • 10 Mistakes in Education

    Do our schools really impart an education which will create an individual or they believe in herd mentality. Also as parent what are our beliefs about education. Here we question some beliefs.

  • Express not Impress

    True connection is honest communication not by creating a façade. Express so that children feel their importance in the family. Don’t seclude them from your being human.

  • What is Sex

    We are more curious to know about things which are not talked openly or not visible. The word “Sex” is no different. Our dilemma, fears and beliefs add more to child’s confusion. Explore how can we break this taboo.