Category: Facilitation
Exposure-Exploration-Collaboration – Ikigai of Learning
Exposure sparks curiosity, and what ignites our interest becomes the fuel for exploration. Collaboration shapes and aligns the exploration to our learning goals.
Workshops for Teachers
You are here because you run a school as Director or Principal or HM or you are a school coordinator. You know the importance of continuous learning for your team of teachers and you want to value add to the team’s development – since it directly impacts children of your school. Ratnesh, co-founder, Aarohi Life…
Reflective Insightful Quizzes
Reflective & Insightful Quizzes for Parents, Teen-Parents and Teenagers.We have three of these using google forms – each with 8-10 questions – no response is right or wrong – since the idea of each question is to help you delve into deeper self reflection.
Stop Teaching to Activate Learning
Let’s stop being Teachers to Start learning for Children. Our job is not to teach or preach but to reach.
Unsettle the minds – Thinking
My idea of Education is to Unsettle the minds of young and inflame their intellect. Robert Maynard Hutchins After finishing my institutional education when I started my own organization I started looking for people to work with me. Over the period I realized people pursued knowledge too much. May be our education / societal structure…
Myth of Teaching Grammar
Understanding learning through Grammar usage. Using Grammar to explore a potentially bigger, and deeper myth about learning. We use grammar as a crutch to dig into this yet unnamed myth.
Uncage Child’s Potential
Can we change the potential of a child? Or we can facilitate the children to find their own peaks. Can we see a limitless child who can manifest his / her potential?
Reflective Questions
Reflection brings clarity. One of the way to reflect is to question. Let’s create our own question bank to reflect on various aspects. Ask question to oneself and to children. Have a conversation around such reflective questions with family and friends.
Why Math, Why not Music?
Subject – Math / No Music? Is it our choice of subjects or the child’s interest? For some Math can be Music and for some others Music can be Math. Lets respect the choice as well the subject and create limitless living for children.
Facilitation by Creating
To live is to create. Facilitation itself is an act of creation. Let’s explore creating some aspects of facilitation which can open kaleidoscope of possibilities for whom we facilitate and for ourselves.
Facilitation by observing
Observation is one of the most powerful tool to learn and to facilitate. As an observer are you a CCTV camera or a cameraman who instructs you what and how to do.
Best way to teach
Is there any one best way to live life? If no then can there be one best way to teach. Children are dynamic and they need dynamic facilitation. Breadth of facilitation will provide depth to understand a child.