Tag: Expressing

  • Fear and Children

    Fear and Children

    Fears often multiply more with collective anxiety that a group of people experience together with lots of questions/ fears triggered by various factors such as uncertainties, health upsets, external situations or challenges. Recently we had this amazing period of 10-12 days at Aarohi Campus where out of 6 people four were partially/ fully sick and two…

  • Teach your child how NOT to lie

    Which type of Adult you are – Supportive Truth Coach or Finding Lie Referee? It is not about “how not to tell Lie” but about “how to tell Truth”. How Do you provide T-R-U-T-H facilitation?

  • Myth of Teaching Grammar

    Understanding learning through Grammar usage. Using Grammar to explore a potentially bigger, and deeper myth about learning. We use grammar as a crutch to dig into this yet unnamed myth.

  • Responding

    Do we communicate our feelings associated with a need or do we communicate a need? How important it is to communicate right need / want. All forms of communication are ok as long as we are sure of which one we are using and the awareness that one has multiple options to choose from. Lets…