Tag: Activation

  • Stop Teaching to Activate Learning

    Let’s stop being Teachers to Start learning for Children. Our job is not to teach or preach but to reach.

  • Unsettle the minds – Thinking

    My idea of Education is to Unsettle the minds of young and inflame their intellect. Robert Maynard Hutchins After finishing my institutional education when I started my own organization I started looking for people to work with me. Over the period I realized people pursued knowledge too much. May be our education / societal structure…

  • Lock-down could mean Freedom

    Lockdown could be a freedom if we invite children to the party called Life. Celebrate and Co-create the life . After Covid-19 can we declare “Co-live 20”

  • Untie the Education from the school

    Why to enclose the education in a classroom when the whole world can educate me. Why not embrace a new WWW (Wide Wonderful World)

  • Uncage Child’s Potential

    Can we change the potential of a child? Or we can facilitate the children to find their own peaks. Can we see a limitless child who can manifest his / her potential?

  • Facilitation by Creating

    To live is to create. Facilitation itself is an act of creation. Let’s explore creating some aspects of facilitation which can open kaleidoscope of possibilities for whom we facilitate and for ourselves.

  • Facilitation by Reflecting

    Reflection is all about exploring ourselves , our perspectives and attributes, our actions and interactions. It enriches us with many insights which helps us to improve in all our endeavors.

  • Facilitation by Questioning

    The quest of learning results in questioning. Shall we stop questioning after seeking the answer or instead of seeking the answer ask more than obvious questions.

  • Kids follow parents?

    Parents are not the only influencers in child’s life. They are a part of child’s surroundings. Shall we pay attention to “Will child follow me” or shall we facilitate an environment of exploration.

  • Our Body is the key to our Mind

    With time and contemporary education the focus on body movements diminished yet the desire to make mind more productive increased by leaps and bounds. Are body and mind two separate entities or mind is part of the body?

  • Schools that Train Themselves

    Why schools are mechanical places of mundane activities conducted broadly by staff and teachers. It can be a buzzing learning habitat for everyone who is associated with school in smallest possible way. Such collaboration will lead to wider learnings for everyone.

  • HEROism

    Outside the silver screen Hero comes in every form, size and shape because a little hero exist inside all of us. Focus your camera to make life as a heroic act of living.

  • Assessment

    How does life asses us? Does it even care how much marks we got in 10th standard. We are assessed by the skills we develop based on our interest, people skills and various life skills. Why to assess on academic subjects when life is much more than that.

  • Whats in a name?

    We are accustomed of getting satisfied when we know the definition of something unknown. Introspect and we will find many examples from everyday life where we know without understanding of concepts. Is understanding more important than knowing?

  • Freedom to think

    Teaching comes with responsibility. Responsibility of making children responsible for creating their learning or creating their limits of learning. We think freedom to learn is lucrative.

  • Learning to See

    As we grow we limit our sense of kaleidoscopic vison. This vision helps us to wonder about everything we experience. It brings a deeper experience. Let’s explore S-P-A-C-E.

  • Guidelines on choosing programs

    Consuming vacations in attending camps/ classes can be taxing for parents and child. Moreover getting enrolled for a wrong choice of camp can be overwhelming. Find out how to choose a suitable program.

  • This Vacation – Doing Nothing

    To do list are long and mostly not achievable in given time. Why not to have doing nothing list. Which will be empty. Let child fill this list with the way he wants, at least during the vacation 🙂

  • Travel to Learn

    Travel is the biggest book to learn from. Here we learn from our own experience and also from other’s experience. It creates an enriching memory to be used for life time. Read how Aarohi children understand travel.

  • Excellence is a Habit

    Repetition creates the habit loop, then why not repeat the traits which are needed to live a good life. Stimulate children to build these traits. To know how, read on.

  • Independent Learner

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a life time. Few years back I was reprimanded by my daughter’s teacher for not making my daughter learn her spellings for the dictation. Yes, I had seen the entry in her diary…

  • The myth called learning

    Do we want children to learn? Is it our need or their need? Do we want children to learn or do we want to teach? Does learning happens only when someone teaches? Here is learning myth buster.