Can we give our youth the gift to deep dive in multiple domains to discover what truly is their passion?

Why is clarity so hyped, when it comes to knowing your passion in life? Especially, when the reality is so skewed. A quick glance in our own networks will reveal so many adults who have changed multiple professions, dabbled in side hustles or operated numerous businesses. And yet, there is so much emphasis for the youth to be clear about ‘a’ passion and assume they should be doing it for the rest of their lives. Of course, this approach is great for whoever it works for.
But what about the others, in fact the majority of the youth who are still figuring it out?
We say, consider yourself as the most lucky and give yourself the gift to deep dive in multiple domains to discover what truly is your passion. In fact, we witnessed exactly this in the previous boot camp – how the simple act of ‘DOING’ could transform a youth in a matter of just 5 days!
The challenge was simple – can you attempt something new in your interest area and showcase a tangible output within a week. They had to work around 5-6 guidelines, rather constraints, that made it not so straightforward.
Learn something in your interest area which –
- Can be done in 5 days
- Has not been done before
- Looks kind of out of your reach
- Has a clearly defined output
- Can be attempted with available resources
- Is exciting for you – something that you have been looking forward to accomplishing.
One of the participants was very clear – that she was not at all sure of her interests. She liked fitness, loved K-pop music, dabbled in skating and planned to run a marathon. Initially, she decided to create a fitness routine for her marathon plans. 2 days into it, she was unable to do anything as per the plan. She contemplated, made new plans, discarded them all, spoke to everyone to gather some clarity. But her situation stayed far from clear. There was immense discomfort and all the churning, lack of clarity was creating an emotional upheaval within her. 2 days were already wasted, she thought. Yet she mustered courage, decided for herself that she would learn to play an entire song on the keyboard. And she cracked it in 3 days straight. But her bigger achievement was she had learned the skill to figure it out by ‘DOING’ and manage her own life situations. And that transformed her on many levels.
At CoVersity, ‘DOING’ is the holy grail whether you have one interest, multiple interests or you are not sure at all.
If you are a youth between 14 and 21 today, you too have a choice to explore, deep dive and create your own professional journey backed by a cohort of passionate youth on a similar journey.
You can gift yourself the chance to fully explore various domains and make an informed choice about your career path. Together with a cohort, you will co-create, co-do, and co-facilitate your own journey of self and professional development.