Tag: career choices

  • Career Framework -A Compass, Not a Crystal Ball

    Career Framework -A Compass, Not a Crystal Ball

    There is no step-by-step guide to make a definitive career choice and career path. But, some factors can help as a guiding light. Let’s explore how youth can equip themselves towards a more fulfilling career.

  • Abundance of Professions

    Abundance of Professions

    Oranges!In my road travel in the last few days, every city we crossed, I witnessed piles of oranges for sale.First my logical mind started imagining – just how many people would be devoted to growing oranges for us to enjoy them.Then realisation kicked in: What if all of them decided that they would rather be…

  • When you don’t get good percentage in 10th or 12th boards?

    We need to show to the youth that colleges, degrees and certificates are not the only way to build a successful professional life. This system of exams and marks and studies suits some and it’s good for them. Let them celebrate their achievements. For the rest of us, who do not do well in exams…

  • Practical work can teach you much beyond professional skills

    Practical work can teach you much beyond professional skills

    It’s been a month since the cohort has gone off campus for the industry exposure phase. Aparna (13) has been dabbling in different exposures to make the most of her time trying to build professional skills in her interest of ‘Natural Building’. She visited to different natural building centres, institutes to interact with people in…

  • Being parents to becoming guides on teen’s professional journey

    Being parents to becoming guides on teen’s professional journey

    How can parents add value to their teen’s professional journey? We get asked this question way too often. Since, teens is also a phase when the entire family is on their toes wondering about career choices and decisions. At CoVersity, parents & facilitators become guides to the entire cohort. Guides are not domain experts. But…

  • Open your professional choices to a world of possibilities, beyond degrees!

    Open your professional choices to a world of possibilities, beyond degrees!

    Aarohi has a vibrant thriving community that connects with each other beyond the campus on WhatsApp. One parent had a very interesting question to ask the community which opened up so many perspectives to explore. Can open schoolers (especially learners who did not choose to give 10th or 12th exam) get college admissions? Do we…

  • Rejected at an interview? Make the best of the situation.

    Rejected at an interview? Make the best of the situation.

    Srijani (16 years) has been busy attending bakers’ fest, networking with potential employers to get an internship. In this blog, she shares about- I connected with 6-7 bakeries by directly sending them a WhatsApp message. I made a format for my messages and customised for each bakery accordingly. Almost 50% responded saying we will discuss…

  • 18 areas where youth can start leading their professional journey

    18 areas where youth can start leading their professional journey

    How do I lead myself?This question can be quite daunting and lead to anxiety with the thought that we need to have leadership qualities or a super duper self motivated self, at all times. At CoVersity, we break this down and we lead in many ways. I lead myself by In which areas have you…

  • ‘Are you enjoying your struggles?’ a guide asked. David wondered what sort of a question is that!

    David, one of our cohort members, chose the domain of Designing, with carpentry as his focus. For 2 months now, he has been working on a client project. The client’s brief required him to design and build a bookshelf for a cafe.  After considering various possibilities, he finalised coconut shells as his raw material since…

  • #worktolearn can make your learning multi-dimensional, contextual and relevant.

    Srijani wanted to learn all about buttercreams which is the foundation for baking cakes. Rather than merely replicating well known recipes, she designed a project for herself. #worktolearn What was her project? Experiment and also, innovate different variants of buttercreams by tweaking the ingredients, using different brands of ingredients and looking at substitutes. To take her…