Eden, one of the cohorts, shares the story of his journey through Coversity. He left the regular school system as it wasn’t working for him, and his dad introduced him to Coversity. He started with the bootcamp to experience Coversity, then continued as a cohort member and liked the vibes and motivation he got on campus. During his three-month stay on campus, he connected with the cohorts, facilitators, and guides. He began by understanding the basics of trading and then experimented with real-time trading using a trading app.
When it was time to get an internship, he convinced someone to allow him to observe live trading. Gradually, he started investing his own money and working in real time.
The whole journey involved figuring out his interests, exploring, and experimenting along with the cohort members in a setup where not only did he feel motivated, but he also pushed himself out of his comfort zone, as he said in his own words.. This experience of getting out of his comfort zone eventually led him to believe that he could succeed.
Aren’t we as parents looking for that “I can do it” mindset in our kids and teenagers?