David, one of our cohort members, chose the domain of Designing, with carpentry as his focus. For 2 months now, he has been working on a client project. The client’s brief required him to design and build a bookshelf for a cafe.
After considering various possibilities, he finalised coconut shells as his raw material since they were available abundantly and the cost consideration over using wood. He worked on various design iterations.
He would constantly consult Seenapan anna, the in-house resource person who would help in repairs and maintenance at Aarohi campus. David had a smooth flow until now, with some minor challenges here and there. The prototype was ready in almost no time and everyone, including David, was amazed at the progress.

And then he hit a major roadblock!
The client preferred that the shelf unit be clamped to the cafe tables or walls in a way that there is no need for any sort of drill. David tried various types of clamps but nothing materialised. Seenapan anna couldn’t help him any further.
During the weekly guides & cohort meeting, all of us heard David narrate his situation in an exasperated tone. Aditi questioned David on the various aspects to his challenge. The conversation flowed as follows:

Aditi: What are the different ways you have been learning about finding the right clamp to your unit?
David: I have mostly checked on the internet
Aditi: Have you spoken to anyone?
David: Seenapan Anna
Aditi: Seenapan Anna is a resource person. He may not be able to contribute to finer technicalities since that is not his expertise. Maybe it is time for you to discuss this with a carpenter.
David: I only know Seenapan Anna
And then Ratnesh uttered out of nowhere, ‘Are you enjoying your struggles?’
David exclaimed, ‘What sort of a question is that?’
Ratnesh: ‘Would like us to help you or you want to figure it out yourself’
David: ‘I would like some help for sure’
Ratnesh: ‘That is fair enough’

One way is to learn something first and then apply it – we call it learn-to-work.
Another way is WORK-to-LEARN – to take up something that either you want to do or your life throws at you and then start DOING it and as you do it – you learn – the required knowledge and skills.
It is only when you get down to doing, applying skills will the challenges emerge and often throw you off track.The very purpose of a challenge is to push you out of your comfort zone because that is where your growth lies. Challenges are a staple diet on a CoVersity Journey.
When roadblocks seem like a spark to your curiosity and eagerness to continue doing more and more. Then you have put your interest and your self to a solid test, to know for yourself the next steps.