In my road travel in the last few days, every city we crossed, I witnessed piles of oranges for sale.
First my logical mind started imagining – just how many people would be devoted to growing oranges for us to enjoy them.
Then realisation kicked in: What if all of them decided that they would rather be engineers and doctors?
But in Open Learning meetups that we host – the questions are different. There parents ask, “What if my child wants to be an engineer and doctor?

Ladies and Gentleman, we have willingly limited ourselves and our children:
- we’ve created a culture of scarcity by valuing only few professions, rather than thousands of passions that our children can turn into profession.
- we’ve caged children into safe-and-stable jobs, rather than allowing our children to enjoy their own journey of discovery of themselves.
- we’ve created stress for our children by narrowing their choices while the world is full of abundance.
- we’ve created fear by saying only if we become like this or that or earn this much we are happy, when we know that one can be equally happy growing oranges.
We’re not saying any of the above is incorrect or inappropriate.
We can invite our children to inherit our narrow mindset or we can gift them a world full of possibilities, CHOICES and oranges!