Author: kanupriya singh
New Home Feb 13
Education is more than just knowledge. It’s about nurturing the extraordinary within your child. Education is not about – Option 1 At Aarohi, we believe education should be a source of joy, not a burden. We focus on nurturing their passions, celebrating their individuality, and preparing them for a future they create, not one they’re forced into.…
Story-time with child – My MBA Branding and Packaging class revisited.
My son and I love stories. We are fond of creating our own stories and taking them in the direction of our imagination the way we want. In one such story, a mouse sets up a factory. Her products are ready to be sold. She got stuck because she needed to decide what the name…
How does my child manage my learning inability?
Our Open Learning journey is full of fun, surprises, and challenges. My biggest challenge as a parent is dealing with my internal conflict. It is like walking on a forked path always. One path leads to the safe environment of the “known” and family/friends. Another path is traversing a beautiful “unknown”. My mood for the…
Environment – Shapes a Child’s learning
Our interaction with our environment shapes us as a person and our learning abilities. We have the power to build an environment which facilitates growth and nurturing. Read further to know about what creates such stimulating environment.
Nudge – A subtle tool for parents pursuing Open Learning
How gentle cues of our environment shape our behavior. We know them as Nudges. Let’s explore can we use Nudges to enhance open learning.
Exposure-Exploration-Collaboration – Ikigai of Learning
Exposure sparks curiosity, and what ignites our interest becomes the fuel for exploration. Collaboration shapes and aligns the exploration to our learning goals.
What did you say – Planning is Boring?
Planning dread? We all go through various phases of planning. Open learning is easier if a broad plan is in place based on learning focus. Planning can be fun and need not be a chore.
Algorithm for child’s exploration in an Open Learning Environment
Open Learning is all about multiple explorations. Learning stems from the joyful explorations not from a parent’s agenda to make child learn. Explore how parents can expand the horizon of exploration.
Is learning restricted to a child only?
Do we associate learning with children only? Do we interchange the words “Study” and “Learning”? Can we create a learning ecosystem at home? Can parents and children learn together? Let’s explore.