Barrel oven inaugurated at campus. Making of oven was initiated by Ratnesh and Amit at campus. When they were making oven, few kids took part in making of oven, some announced “we will only use oven to bake, once it is ready”.
Last week Ratnesh initiated – this was enough to kick start the project. Three kids joined and from 10 in the morning till 5 in the evening they were busy baking – we had yummy Pizza for snacks, half baked cake for dessert and rock hard bread for breakfast.
None in the team, knew the recipe of bread, pizza or cake (for Barrel oven) – they explored many recipes to cook their own recipe :). They arranged for ingredient which were not available in Kelamanalagam…….and all this was done without any faculty. Kids worked with other adults on the campus to make this project happen. Every adult at the campus with learning approach makes campus a learning campus.
Inspite of half baked cake and rock hard bread, the team expressed “we had satisfactory, learning, tiring and enjoyable day”.